e-caste / WEEEhire-ng

WEEEHire is back, now with more PHP

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WEEEHire 2.0

Manage applications to the team.

Local development

sqlite3 weeehire.db < database.sql
cp config/config-example.php config/config.php
nano config/config.php  # Optional, the defaults are good for a test instance but not for production
msgfmt resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po --output-file=resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo
composer install
php -S [::]:8777 -t public

Done. Browse to [::]:8777 and have fun.

You do not need to configure the SSO part, neither LDAP, neither sendmail, nor to install APCu: these are required in production only.

In fact, if TEST_MODE is true in config.php:

  • Emails will not be sent, they are printed to stderr
  • Authentication is bypassed, access [::]:8777/candidates.php directly
  • No LDAP connections are made, example data is returned instead
  • APCu is not used at all

APCu is optional but strongly recommended in production. WEEEHire will print some warnings to stderr if APCu is not enabled.


# Generate the master .pot file
xgettext -k__ -k_ngettext:1,2 --from-code utf-8 templates/*.php -o messages.pot
# Merge it into other .po files (en-US only, right now)
msgmerge --update resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po messages.pot
# Translate strings, e.g. with
lokalize resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po &
# Create the .mo file
msgfmt resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po --output-file=resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo

And done.

Production deployment

Basically the same as development:

sqlite3 weeehire.db < database.sql
cp config/config-example.php config/config.php
nano config/config.php
msgfmt resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po --output-file=resources/locale/en-US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo
chown o-r weeehire.db  # Optional, prevent other users from reading the database
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader  # The optimization is not required but a nice touch

and a real web server is needed. The root directory is public, no need to serve files outside that directory.


WEEEHire is back, now with more PHP

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.1%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:JavaScript 0.2%