dzonzbonz / proto-gallery-js

JS Proto Gallery - jQuery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Table of Contents


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="proto-gallery.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.proto-gallery.js"></script>

<!-- ... -->

<div id="proto-gallery">
    <!-- Static Photos -->
    <figure data-photo="<!-- Photo url -->">
        <a href="<!-- Photo link -->">
            <img src="<!-- Thumbnail url -->" alt="<!-- Photo title -->"/>
        <figcaption><!-- Thumbnail description --></figcaption>
    <!-- More statis photos -->
    'source' : 'selector',
    'selector': {
        'slide': 'figure',
        'thumbnail': 'img[src]',
        'photo': '[data-photo]',
        'title': 'img[alt]',
        'description': 'figcaption',
        'link': 'a[href]'


var protoGalleryOptions = {
    'source' : 'selector', // selector, query, collection
    'selector': {
        'slide': 'a',
        'thumbnail': 'img[src]',
        'photo': '[data-photo]',
        'title': 'img[alt]',
        'description': 'div',
        'link': '[href]'
    'collection': null,
    'query': null,
    prevButton: '<',
    nextButton: '>',
    closeButton: 'X',
    onInit: function($dialog) {
    onOpen: function($dialog) {
    onOpened: function($dialog) {
    onClose: function($dialog) {
    onClosed: function($dialog) {
    onResize: function($dialog) {
    onAction: function(_action, $dialog) {
    onChangeSlide: function(_slide, $dialog) {
        return true;
    onShowSlide: function(_slide, $dialog) {
        return true;


Type: String Default: selector Values: selector|query|collection

Selector Source

Define the source where the slides are going to bee looked for. Usually looked in $('#proto-gallery').find(settings.selector.slide)

var settings = {
    'source' : 'selector',
    'selector': {
        'slide': 'a',
        'thumbnail': 'img[src]',
        'photo': '[data-photo]',
        'title': 'img[alt]',
        'description': 'div',
        'link': '[href]'

Query Source

Define the source where the slides are going to bee looked for. Usually looked in $('#proto-gallery').find(settings.selector.slide)

var settings = {
    'source' : 'query',
    'query': '#proto-gallery a',
    'selector': {
        'slide': 'a', // not used
        'thumbnail': 'img[src]',
        'photo': '[data-photo]',
        'title': 'img[alt]',
        'description': 'div',
        'link': '[href]'

Collection Source

Define the source where the slides are going to bee looked for. Usually looked in $('#proto-gallery').find(settings.selector.slide)

var settings = {
    'source' : 'collection',
    'collection': [
            'photo': 'photo url'
            [,'element': $( /*Slide object*/ )]
            [,'link': 'link value]
            [,'thumbnail': 'thumbnail url']
            [,'title': 'title text']
            [,'description': 'description text']
        [, ...]


Type: Function Default: function ($dialog) {}

This method is called when the dialog is initialized for the first time, and it is called one time only from the widget.

var onInit: function ($dialog) {
    var protoGalleryContent = $dialog.find('.proto-gallery-content');
    var dialogFooter = $dialog.find('#proto-gallery-footer');
    var dialogHeader = $(this).find('#proto-gallery-header');


Type: Function Default: function ($dialog) {}

This method is called each time before the dialog is to be opened.


Type: Function Default: function ($dialog) {}

This method is called each time after the dialog has been opened.


Type: Function Default: function ($dialog) {}

This method is called each time before the dialog is to be closed.


Type: Function Default: function ($dialog) {}

This method is called each time after the dialog has been closed.


Type: Function Default: function ($dialog) {}

This method is called each time when the screen size changes.


Type: Function Default: function (slideData, $canvas, oldSlideIndex, newSlideIndex) {}

This method is called before the slide changing begins. Return FALSE if you want to animate slide changing.


Type: Function Default: function (slideData, $canvas) {}

This method is called after the slide changing only if onChangeSlide is not returning FALSE.


Take a look at the list of methods to control the dialog.


This method is called to open a dialog manually.

$('#proto-gallery').protoGallery('open', {/* Settings */});


This method is called to close a dialog manually.



This method is called when you want to override settings.

$('#proto-gallery').protoGallery('settings', {/* Settings */});

Advanced usage

The advanced usage is about taking full control of the dialog.


Take a look at the dialog HTML structure in order to have a better view, and push your ideas further. When ever you have a $dialog variable in a on*** function, this will be your $('.proto-gallery-overlay') object. The <!-- Dialog content --> is replaced by your target object that the widget is applied to.

<div class="proto-gallery-content" id="proto-gallery-content">
    <div class="proto-gallery-loader" id="proto-gallery-loader"></div>
    <div class="proto-gallery-slider" id="proto-gallery-slider">
        <!-- Slides are going to be here -->
    <div class="proto-gallery-info" id="proto-gallery-info">
        <h3 class="proto-gallery-slide-title" id="proto-gallery-slide-title"></h3>
        <div class="proto-gallery-slide-description" id="proto-gallery-slide-description"></div>


var controllerInterface = {
     * Closes the dialog
    'close': function () {},
     * Openes the dialog
    'open': function () {},
     * Is dialog opened
    'isOpened': function () {},
     * Defines new settings
    'setSettings': function (settings) {},
     * Get current settings
    'getSettings': function () {},
     * Add collection array
    'addCollection': function (collection) {},
     * Get item
    'addCollectionItem': function (item) {},
     * Set photos, clear previous collection
    'setSlides': function ($slides) {},
     * Attach slides, same as appending
    'attachSlides': function ($slides) {},
     * Attach slide
    'attachSlide': function ($slide) {},
     * Remove item
    'removeCollectionItem': function (index) {},
     * Get slide count
    'getSlideCount': function () {},
     * Get slide by index
    'getSlide': function (index) {},
     * Set slide for index
    'setSlide': function (index, slide) {},
     * Remove all slides from screen
    'noSlide': function () {},
     * Show first slide
    'firstSlide': function () {},
     * Show last slide
    'lastSlide': function () {},
     * Show next slide
    'nextSlide': function () {},
     * Show previous slide
    'previousSlide': function () {},
     * Get current slide index
    'getCurrentSlide': function () {},
     * Set current slide index, only changes the index, use show slide to show it
     * @returns int current slide index
    'setCurrentSlide': function (index) {},
     * Show slide by index
    'showSlide': function (index) {}

/* Get dialog controller instance */
var _data = $('#proto-gallery').data('protoGallery');

// If the widget is initialized
if (_data) {
    var _controller = _data['controller'];
    var _settings = _data['settings'];
    var $target = _data['target']; // === $('#proto-gallery')


Static setup

Define an element holding photos, apply widget to it.

<div id="proto-gallery-static" class="proto-gallery">
    <a href="" data-photo="">
        <img src="" title=""/>
    <!-- more photos -->
<button id="open-gallery" type="button">Open Gallery</button>
/* ... */

    'source' : 'selector',
    'selector': {
        'slide': 'a',
        'thumbnail': 'img[src]',
        'photo': '[data-photo]',
        'title': 'img[alt]',
        'description': 'div',
        'link': '[href]'

/* ... */

$('#open-gallery').on('click', function () {

Runtime setup

You can without initialization call a open method by providing settings, Use any object for a dynamic gallery

<button type="button" data-gallery="1001" class="dynamic-gallery">Load Gallery 1</button>
<button type="button" data-gallery="1002" class="dynamic-gallery">Load Gallery 2</button>
<button type="button" data-gallery="1003" class="dynamic-gallery">Load Gallery 3</button>
/* ... */

$('.dynamic-gallery').on('click', function () {
    var galleryID = $(this).attr('data-gallery');

        url: queryUrl,
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
            'gallery_id': galleryID
        type: 'POST',
        success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            $('body').protoGallery('open', {
                'source': 'collection',
                'collection': data



JS Proto Gallery - jQuery


Language:JavaScript 59.8%Language:CSS 22.7%Language:HTML 17.5%