dzkdev / api

Documentation for the CurseForge API.

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CurseForge API

The CurseForge API allows users to automate managing their projects, and retrieve data such as game versions and dependencies from CurseForge.

Generate a Token

To access the API, you must first generate an API token. To do that, go to the "API Tokens" tab under "My Account" on CurseForge.


To authenticate with the API, you must provide your generated token using the X-Api-Token header, or the token query string parameter.

Game Dependencies API

To retrieve a list of game dependencies issue a GET request to /api/game/dependencies. It will return an array of json objects containing the following data:

    id: 42,
    name: "Bukkit",
    slug: "bukkit"

Game Versions API

To retrieve a list of game versions issue a GET request to /api/game/versions. It will return an array of json objects containing the following data:

    id: 158,
    gameDependencyID: 42, // This field will be omitted if the version doesn't belong to a dependency.
    name: "1.8.4",
    slug: "1-8-4"

Project Upload File API

To upload a file, issue a POST multipart/form-data request to /api/projects/<projectID>/upload-file, containing two fields: metadata and file, which must be the actual file. The ID of your project will be in the URL when you go to its overview page.

metadata must contain a json object with the following fields:

    changelog: "A plaintext string describing changes.",
    displayName: "Foo", // Optional: A friendly display name used on the site if provided.
    parentFileID: 42, // Optional: The parent file of this file.
    gameVersions: [157, 158], // A list of supported game versions, see the Game Versions API for details. Not supported if parentFileID is provided.
    releaseType: "alpha" // One of "alpha", "beta", "release".

On successful upload, returns a json object containing the new file's ID:

    id: 20402


Documentation for the CurseForge API.

License:MIT License