dyu / spin-fileserver

A static file server implemented as a Spin component

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Static file server for Spin applications

A simple static file server as a Spin HTTP component, written in Rust.

Using the component as part of a Spin application

Let's have a look at the component definition (from spin.toml):

source = "spin_static_fs.wasm"
id = "fileserver"
files = [{ source = "", destination = "/" }]
route = "/..."

This component will recursively mount all files from the current directory and will serve them. If an index.html file is in the source root, it will be served if no file is specified.

Running the static server:

$ spin up --listen --file spin.toml

At this point, the component is going to serve all files in the current directory, and this can be tested using curl:

$ curl localhost:3000/LICENSE
                              Apache License
                        Version 2.0, January 2004


Setting the cache header

Currently, this file server has a single cache header that it can set through the CACHE_CONTROL environment variable. If no value is set, the default max-age=60 is used instead for all media types.

Setting the fallback path

You can configure a FALLBACK_PATH environment variable that points to a file that will be returned instead of the default 404 Not Found response. If no environment value is set, the default behavior is to return a 404 Not Found response. This behavior is useful for Single Page Applications that use view routers on the front-end like React and Vue.

# For more on configuring a component, see: https://spin.fermyon.dev/configuration/
source = "target/wasm32-wasi/release/spin_static_fs.wasm"
id = "fs"
files = [{ source = "test", destination = "/" }]
environment = { FALLBACK_PATH = "index.html" }

Building from source and using


Compiling the component:

$ cargo build --release



  • Rust at 1.56+ with the wasm32-wasi target configured

Running test cases:

$ make test


A static file server implemented as a Spin component

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 96.9%Language:Makefile 2.6%Language:HTML 0.5%