dynobo / PyctureStream

PoC for image processing using Kafka, Spark Streaming & TensorFlow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Syntax issues

dhaneshsalla opened this issue · comments


This is a great Idea and I appreciate this project.
I am trying to run this project in my system and I have followed your steps. But I am facing few syntax issues in stream_webcam_to_kafka.py script.

[cloudera@quickstart client]$ python stream_webcam_to_kafka.py
File "stream_webcam_to_kafka.py", line 26
interval: int = 5,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
[cloudera@quickstart client]$

Could you please check on this.


which Python version are you using?

(The problem might be, that your version doesn't support type annotations yet. Those have been introduced somewhere above version 3.5)

Hi, Yes I am using old version. I will update my python package and will let you know the status.

One more issue popup , this is mostly likely my system issue.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and am unable to open my webcam. I tired with cheese and gucview applications , but both are throwing error message "Device not found ".

I have tried couple of recommendations and workarounds, but nothing is working for me. Could you please assist on this webcam setup, Please

Sorry, but if you can't get the webcam to work with cheese, you'll probably have an driver or connection issue behond the scope of my project. I suggest you ask for help on a Ubuntu specific channel like https://askubuntu.com/ .

I'm looking forward to hear, if the Python upgrade helped, so!