dylang / grunt-attention

Display attention-grabbing messages in the terminal.

Home Page:https://npmjs.org/package/grunt-attention

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Problem on the border and line break

fredw opened this issue · comments

I set the task as follows:

attention: {
    teste: {
        options: {
            message: 'This is \n a linebreak \n demonstration',
            borderColor: 'bgBlue',
            border: 'double',

The line breaks cause trouble positioning the borders:

I'm using Windows.

Do you want to make a pull request to fix this?

BTW, if you used border: 'stacked' you won't see this problem.

I would like to help, but unfortunately I have no way.
That was the alternative I found, I'm using border: 'stacked'