dylanaraps / neofetch

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Resolution wrong on Pi OS on Raspberry Pi 5?

Jibun-no-Kage opened this issue · comments

Screen resolution is 1920x1080 on HDMI-A-1 on Pi 5 (8GB model) but reported as 1024x768 in error.

       _,met$$$$$gg.          root@insane
    ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.       -----------
  ,g$$P"     """Y$$.".        OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64
 ,$$P'              `$$$.     Host: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0
',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:   Kernel: 6.6.17-v8-16k+
`d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$    Uptime: 4 days, 9 hours, 32 mins
 $$P      d$'     ,    $$P    Packages: 1998 (dpkg), 5 (flatpak)
 $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'    Shell: bash 5.2.15
 $$;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      Resolution: 1024x768
 Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'         Terminal: /dev/pts/0
 `$$b      "-.__              CPU: (4) @ 2.400GHz
  `Y$$                        Memory: 668MiB / 8048MiB

BTW, the verbose log feature seems to be broken, the log file just has same as above at completion. Cannot see that as what was intended?

# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"

# uname -a
Linux insane 6.6.17-v8-16k+ #1735 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 21 14:45:17 GMT 2024 aarch64 GNU/Linux

# xrandr -q
Screen 0: minimum 16 x 16, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
XWAYLAND0 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm
   1920x1080     59.96*+
   1440x1080     59.99
   1400x1050     59.98
   1280x1024     59.89
   1280x960      59.94
   1152x864      59.96
   1024x768      59.92
   800x600       59.86
   640x480       59.38
   320x240       59.52
   1680x1050     59.95
   1440x900      59.89
   1280x800      59.81
   720x480       59.71
   640x400       59.95
   320x200       58.96
   1600x900      59.95
   1368x768      59.88
   1280x720      59.86
   1024x576      59.90
   864x486       59.92
   720x400       59.55
   640x350       59.77