dyanikoglu / ALS-Community

Replicated and optimized community version of Advanced Locomotion System V4 for Unreal Engine 5.3 with additional features & bug fixes

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Vehicle Possession (Chaos) with ALSV4 Version 4.23.3

MrSte26 opened this issue · comments

Hi, I am having problems creating a vehicle using the plugin

  1. When I create a vehicle the character does not get into the car.

  2. When I try to choose a key this any the Editor crashes.

  3. I saw from the Crash Report what line of code the problem is due to: UnrealEditor_ALSV4_CPP!AALSPlayerController::OnPossess() [D:\Unreal Projects\TPWCS-singl\Plugins\ALS-Community-4.23.3\Source\ALSV4_CPP\Private\Character\ALSPlayerController.cpp:29

  4. TPWCS is a shooting system that I use within my project, where by following a guide from the author I was able to integrate it all

How can I solve it?