dwyl / imgup

πŸŒ… Effortless image uploads to AWS S3 with automatic resizing including REST API.

Home Page:https://imgup.fly.dev/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feat: Logging + Metrics

nelsonic opened this issue Β· comments


This is "on hold" ... pending dwyl/logs#1

At present the imgup app has no DB πŸ’­
So we have zero insight into what images are being uploaded. πŸ™ˆ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
This is "OK" for a basic demo... :shipit:
But it's not great for a "production" app where we want to track metrics. πŸ“ˆ
We need to "productionize"! πŸš€


  • Define the DB schema for storing anon logging data.
    We can borrow (or draw inspiration) from: dwyl/auth/lib/auth/log.ex
    • user_agent table should mimmic the one in auth: lib/auth/user_agent.ex so that we store the relevant detail. The other field we could add is
  • Create the necessary migrations for the schema we define.
  • Create a simple interface that logs required events ...