dwilches / Ardity

Assets for integrating Arduino and Unity (or Unity and any hardware that communicates over a COM port)

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In Arduino, SUCCESS ->Serial.println("test"); FAIL -> Serial.print("test\n");

jeongcatfish opened this issue · comments


First, Thank you for share amazing code! It's really helpful.

I have some problem reading com port.
It's really working fine when I programed arduino like Serial.println("test");
but Serial.print("test\n"); isn't working..

How can I communicate not using Serial.println? just Serial.print

Thank you.!


Thanks for using Ardity!

In Arduino, Serial.println prints the same string as Serial.print but followed by two extra characters: \r and \n. So in order to use Serial.print in your example, you should do:


Source: https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/communication/serial/println/
