dvyukov / go-fuzz

Randomized testing for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A minimal release please?

jeffallen opened this issue · comments

It is too bad that this repo has grown to be so huge, as a result of the examples, I guess.

It would be helpful to have a minimal release available for download so that people who just want go-fuzz and not the rest could unzip the source into their GOPATH and skip the enormous git clone.

I've created github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz-corpus. Help with moving corpus to that repo is welcome.

@dvyukov Moving the entire examples directory is probably easier. However, if you just want to move the corpus directories:

for i in `find examples -type d -name corpus`; do
    d=`dirname $i`
    mkdir -p ../go-fuzz-corpus/$d
    mv $i ../go-fuzz-corpus/$i
    git rm -r $i

Of course this still leaves all the examples in the repo. Fixing this isn't possible without rewriting history.

Will be obsoleted by #154

See dvyukov/go-fuzz-corpus#1. After it is done, history is this repository can be rewritten.

@dvyukov Rewritten history is pushed to https://github.com/AlekSi/go-fuzz. I also added a note to README about that.

This is resolved now, right?

While I'm here, just want to say thanks for go-fuzz one more time. It caught some bugs at work today. 🥇