dvincelli / book

Owl Tutorial Book V1

Home Page:https://ocaml.xyz/book

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Owl Book V1

The main purpose of this book is for teaching how to use Owl software. The book also convers many useful numerical and system techniques in numerical computing. Furthermore, the book includes in-depth discussion on the lessons learnt by building a large and complex software system to enable scientific computing in OCaml.

The tooling and template reuse those in Real World OCaml under original authors' permission, with minor modidications.


  • make uses docker container to build the book.
  • make test synchronises with Owl API by evaluating the code snippet in the tutorial book.
  • make compile generates html files.
  • Edit book/toc.scm to add more chapters. Do not edit book/tune and static/dune directly.
  • Refer to RWO for details.

Note that tooling is not finished at the moment. Structure and tools are copied mostly from RWO book.


Currently contribution to the book is mainly in the form of Pull Request. Normally you only need to change one of the README.md files in book/ directory, though adding inline scripts requires some special care. Please make sure that your local changes compile without any error, and include both the change of markdown file in docs/ directory in a PR.


The following tools are used in the project, please refer to their documentation.


  • Liang Wang: project originator, reponsible for planning, tooling, and writing.
  • Jianxin Zhao: project leader, lead the whole book writing, designing chapters, and coordinating contributors.


Owl Tutorial Book V1


License:MIT License


Language:SCSS 42.4%Language:OCaml 16.3%Language:CSS 10.5%Language:HTML 10.3%Language:TeX 10.2%Language:JavaScript 7.9%Language:C++ 1.8%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Scheme 0.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%