dvhdr / launchpad-pro

Open source firmware for the Launchpad Pro grid controller

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Provide means for declaring multiple MIDI ports over USB

ab5tract opened this issue · comments

I would like to write a firmware that provides a USB MIDI port per function. This would allow the note mode to be routed to one instrument, the CC faders to another, and a sequencer and user mode to two more.

I was a bit disappointed to find out that the number of ports over USB is currently hardwired.

Hmmm, interesting idea. The would require changes to the USB descriptors and low level firmware, which is not currently part of this release. We'll give it some thought, sorry you couldn't achieve what you wanted.

Dynamic port changes are out of scope for now, sorry. For some awesome work on recreating factory firmware features, check out https://github.com/mat1jaczyyy/lpp-performance-cfw