dvdciri / MultiChoiceRecyclerView

Multi choice selection applied on recycler view make life easier

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performVibrate permission issue

davidHarush opened this issue · comments

Form Android 6.0+ performVibrate method need permission handle

@davidHarush Thanks for letting me know, in v1.1.9 there will be a check for permission granted, is interest of whoever is going to implement the library to make sure it has the correct permission at runtime before the user starts interacting with the application.

@davidHarush Wait a second, just realising that android.permission.VIBRATE should be automatically granted as permission and doesn't need runtime check. Can you add more details?


Yes, It's defined as normal permission, but it's crash for my from that spot, i will check again...

I'm still going to add a permission granted check to avoid any kind of permission related issues..

Please let me know asap so we can give a resolution to the issue.

It's fine now, i'm sorry :-(