dvdciri / MultiChoiceRecyclerView

Multi choice selection applied on recycler view make life easier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

there is a bug that the TextView can not work with the android:textColor in xml in 1.0.1

wlfcolin opened this issue · comments

there is a bug that the TextView can not work with the android:textColor in xml in 1.0.1,if i compile the aar myself with master branch codes,it works fine.

Thank's for the report! I'll work on it soon, if you've got any possible solution feel free to make a pull request!

If you're using this library in an app let me know :)

@wlfcolin Can you explain what is not working or give some more detail about it?
I've made some tests and everything is okay using android:textColor in xml..

@wlfcolin Still waiting for more details about the issue, if nothing comes in a couple of days i'll assume that everything is okay and close the issue!

Close because seems to be fixed