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Short code doesnt work?

goodman77 opened this issue · comments

I created a static block code and it generate a shortcode like this
[static_block alias="one"]

but when I add this to my test page , nothing shows up?

any idea

That is not my point , I am saying it's not working on my end how do you make it work??

Could you show me some picture?
About the shortcode, there are 2 ways to use it

  • Paste it in page content.
  • Run directly from view via do_shortcode('[static_block alias="one"]').

Hi I post it in a page , so it should work right ? But it's not displaying any content

First you need to create a static block, then place any content in that static block.
And what page template you set for that page? Some page template does not show the content, so the shortcode does not work.

When I create the static block what should the page template be ?

Sorry, it based on the theme you use.
For example in triangle theme, it can be blank template.

I will check it out

@sangnguyenplus the F is wrong with you