DUNE / garana

Analysis framework for DUNE ND-GAr

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


garana is a lightweight, portable software package for the analysis of simulation (and eventually data) from the DUNE ND-GAr detector. The package is available on the DUNE nodes or can be installed locally. The most painful dependency of garana is ROOT.

DISCLAIMER: garana is in beta! Currently, an end-to-end test on structured trees with the default analysis configuration has been performed. Use other functionality at your own risk! Contact chilgenb@fnal.gov with questions or to report a bug.

The intent with garana is for it to be a useful tool for simplifying analysis. Current functionality includes

  • Accessors for predefined tree formats
  • Data products providing distilled information from garsoft products with other relevant informaiton
  • Truth matching utilities
  • Tools for converting garana class based or "structured" trees to flat ntuples and verifying consistency between them

Functionality currently being implimented includes

  • ROOT TEve based, standalone event display


DISCLAIMER: the installation procedure has only been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and on the DUNE nodes (SLF 7.9 (Nitrogen))


  • ROOT v6_22_00 through v6_22_06
  • Python 3 (also a dependency of ROOT)
  • CMake v3.8 through v3.19

CMake based build

  1. In your installation area, clone the garana git repository
git clone https://github.com/chilge/garana 
  1. Make a directory to contain the build, garana_build for example
  2. cd into the build directory
  3. Generate the CMake files
cmake /path/to/garana
  1. Build
cmake --build . -j<number of cores>
  1. Install (depending on the default install area on your system, this may require super user permissions)
cmake --install .

You should now have access to the garana libraries. You can verify this by checking for a path to one of the garana executibles

which gar


garana provides tools to easily access several different trees, each representing a stage in the simulation and reconstruction chain:

  • headerTree: sample provenance information, run and subrun numbers, analysis configuration
  • genTree: generator level information, e.g. GENIE interactions
  • g4Tree: GEANT4 level information, e.g. particle ID, ancestry, and kinematics
  • detTree: readout simulation information, e.g. raw digits
  • recoTree: reconstruction level information, e.g. tracks and vertices
  • displayTree: truth-level and reconstruction-level trajectory information for the garana event display

garana supports three analysis configurations: general purpose (default), reconstruction developement, and readout simulation developement. The tree content can vary for each configuration. At present, this is true only for the recoTree. The content of the recoTree varies depending on the configuration. For general purpose, recoTree contains tracks, vertices, vees, and ECal clusters. For reconstruction development, it is the same as for general purpose except it also contains all reconstructed objects, including intermediate objects (e.g. tracks from the first pass). For readout simulation developement, recoTree only contains TPC and ECal hits.

In the following subsections, tables of the branches in each tree are provided for the default analysis configuration with structured trees (note that flat trees contain the same information).


garana supports overlay samples, e.g. cosmics with multiple genie interactions per beam spill. most of the time, this tree will only contain GENIE interactions.

branch name data type description
Event Int_t event number
GIndex std::vector<Int_t> index of GENIE interaction in this event; = -1 if it's not a GENIE interaction
GTruth std::vector<garana::GTruth> GENIE ghep record for each GENIE interaction
FSParticles std::vector<std::vector<garana<FSParticle>> final state particle kinematics (applies to GENIE or cosmics)


branch name data type description
Event Int_t event number
G4Particles std::vector<garana::G4Particle> for particles tracked by GEANT4, contains particle ID, ancestry, and position/momentum 4-vectors
TruthIndex std::vector<UInt_t> index in genTree for truth object associated with this G4Particle (1-to-1 matching)


branch name data type description
Event Int_t event number
Tracks std::vector<garana::Track> TPC track fit parameters, ionization, and PID info
Vertices std::vector<garana::Vertex> TPC vertex 4-position and covariance matrix
CalClusters std::vector<garana::CaloCluster> ECal cluster fit parameters and 4-position
TrackG4Indices std::vector<vector<UInt_t>> index in g4Tree for G4 particle(s) associated with this track (one-to-many matching)
VertTrackIndices std::vector<vector<UInt_t>> index in recoTree for track(s) associated with this vertex (one-to-many matching)
VertTrackEnds std::vector<vector<Int_t>> which end of track associated to this vertex is attached to the vertex
VeeTrackIndices std::vector<vector<UInt_t>> index in recoTree for track(s) associated with this vee (one-to-many matching)
VeeTrackEnds std::vector<vector<Int_t>> which end of track associated to this vee is attached to the vertex
CalTrackIndices std::vector<vector<UInt_t>> index in recoTree for track(s) associated with this ECal cluster (one-to-many matching)


Analyzers should be provided with a root file produced by an analyzer module in garsoft, garsoft/Ana/StructuredTree_module.cc. The file must contain a complete set of garana-compatible trees for one of the pre-defined analysis configurations:

  • General use (default) : genTree, g4Tree, recoTree (tracks, vertices, vees, and ECal clusters)
  • Reconstruction developement: genTree, g4Tree, recoTree (TPC hits, TPC clusters, TPC tracks, vertices, vees, ECal hits and ECal clusters)
  • Readout simulation developement: genTree, g4Tree, detTree, recoTree (TPC and ECal hits) This file is the only input required for garana.

C++ executables, ROOT C++ macros, and python modules can all be used with garana libraries. An example for each of these implimentations can be found at garana/bin with file name demo.cc, demo.C or demo.py respectively.

A garana accessor class, TreeManager, that takes the path to the input file(s) as the only argument in its constructor, manages all basic I/O operations and initialization of and access to tree-specific accessor classes. For example, in C++

  TreeManager* treeman = new TreeManager("/path/to/input/file.root");
  GenTree*  gentree  = treeman->GetGenTree();
  G4Tree*   g4tree   = treeman->GetG4Tree();
  RecoTree* recotree = treeman->GetRecoTree();

or in Python

  TreeManager treeman("/path/to/input/file.root")
  gentree  = treeman.GetGenTree()
  g4tree   = treeman.GetG4Tree()
  recotree = treeman.GetRecoTree()

From the tree accessors, the analyzer can call the tree accessor methods. See the garana accessor class headers for more information (garana/Accessors/*.h).

In most cases, the analyzer will develop their analysis using a structured tree as it is more user friendly. In garana, there are abstract base classes (see garana/Base/*.h) that define common accessor methods that can be used with structured or flat trees. Flat trees are usually better for computing performance. Analyzers (or producers) can convert the structured trees into flat trees containing the same information. So long as only the common methods defined in the base classes are used in the analysis, the same analysis code can be used on either the structured or flat trees.

However, it may be that structured trees are sufficient for the lifetime of the analysis. In this case, the analyzer can get access to the garana data products directly. While the abstract methods from each accessors base class can still be used, the analyzer can call additional methods native to the derived class. For example,

StructuredGenTree* structgen = treeman->GetGenTree();
GTruth* gtruth = structgen->GetGTruth(0);

Copyright and Licensing

Copyright © 2023 FERMI NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY for the benefit of the DUNE Collaboration.

This repository, and all software contained within, except where noted within the individual source files, is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Copyright is granted to FERMI NATIONAL ACCELERATOR LABORATORY on behalf of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Analysis framework for DUNE ND-GAr

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 74.2%Language:CMake 14.7%Language:Python 9.0%Language:Shell 1.5%Language:C 0.5%