dullage / tahskr-server

A simple, open source, self-hosted todo manager.

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Initial User Creation

mufaka opened this issue · comments

It took me a bit to sort this out because I couldn't find any documentation on it. Either I missed it or it's not there. Either way, here is how I got it working and this possibly should be added to the quick start documentation for the server.

Set an admin password for the server when running in Docker.

docker run \
  -d \
  --name tahskr-server \
  -v "[YOUR DATA PATH]:/app/data" \
  -p [YOUR PORT]:8080 \
  --restart=always \
  1. Replace [YOUR PORT] with the tcp port for tahskr-server to listen on
  2. Replace [YOUR DATA PATH] with a path on your filesystem where you want the data to be stored.
  3. Replace [YOUR ADMIN PASSWORD] with an admin password of your choice.

Create a user example with curl

curl -X POST http://[SERVER IP OR NAME]:[YOUR PORT]/user -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-admin: [YOUR ADMIN PASSWORD]' -d '{ "username": "[YOUR USERNAME]", "password": "[YOUR PASSWORD]"}'

  1. Replace [YOUR PORT] with the tcp port the tahskr-server listens on
  2. Replace [SERVER IP OR NAME] with the server name or ip address of the tahskr-server
  3. Replace [YOUR ADMIN PASSWORD] with an admin password of your choice.
  4. Replace [YOUR USERNAME] with the username you want to create
  5. Replace [YOUR PASSWORD] with the password you want to create for the user

If all goes well you should see an output from the curl command similar to the following:

{"config":null,"created":"2023-09-17T22:34:57.068144","id":1,"username":"[YOUR USERNAME]"}

Thank you for this. The docs are a bit lacking on this front. I'll get them updated shortly.