duckythescientist / furby_2023_hacking

Hacking the new 2023 Furby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wake up babe, new Furby just dropped!

Initial Teardown

This was definitely designed to snap together easily, but releasing the snaps is difficult.

For releasing the fur from the base, the best I found was to use a small metal rod to slip into the hemicircular holes to press the tabs.

releasing the fur

First Thoughts

Head and stomach touch sensors are capacitive touch.

RGB LEDs in ears and forehead are common + (anode).

There's a single motor to drive all movement (like the original 1998 Furby).

Main processor is black blob.

I see no wireless components, so the Furby-to-Furby communication is probably ultrasonic. That'll be fun to probe later.

front pcb

back pcb

Flash Dump

On board is a sop-8 marked 25L3233F which appears to be a MX25L3233F 32Mbit Serial NOR Flash memory.

flashrom wasn't sure exactly which flash chip it, but all four models it suggested dumped the same. (MX25L3205(A), MX25L3205D/MX25L3208, MX25L3206E/MX25L3208E, and MX25L3273E)

The dump is furby2023_flashdump.bin.

It's a 4MB file with a reasonable bit of empty space. There are a good bit of debug message strings in it. binwalk struggles to tell me much about it.

I've made some attempts to load the dump into Ghidra. Best I can figure is it's little-endian ARM and should be loaded at 0x0400_0000 with a RAM section at 0x2000_0000. Both I and Ghidra are definitely struggling since we don't know what chip this is.

(Not) Debug Pins

The back PCB has Debug, RESETn, MOSO, CLK, and IO_EN pins that look really interesting. Poking CLK and the other pins with a SWD programmer doesn't yield anything, and a JTAGulator didn't identify any pair as SWD. I see no traffic on any of the pins. RESETn does reset the processor.

I have no clue what MOSO is other than a typo.

Code Execution by Flash Modification

I've patched in a spinlock at 0x0400_BFC2 which successfully triggers when running a "lightshow". A watchdog resets the Furby after about 2 seconds.

Mic Sen1 is debug serial output!!!!!!! I'm upset I missed this yesterday.

I'm putting my code into a cave at ??? then triggering it from either:

                             ?print_lightshow                                XREF[1]:     0400c050(*)  
        0400bfb4 04 23           movs       r3,#0x4
        0400bfb6 1b 02           lsls       r3,r3,#0x8
        0400bfb8 02 33           adds       r3,#0x2
        0400bfba 1b 02           lsls       r3,r3,#0x8
        0400bfbc 4c 33           adds       r3,#0x4c
        0400bfbe 1b 02           lsls       r3,r3,#0x8
        0400bfc0 5b 1c           adds       r3,r3,#0x1
        0400bfc2 98 47           blx        r3
        0400bfc4 24 e0           b          LAB_0400c010


        04004b9e 04 23           movs       r3,#0x4
        04004ba0 1b 02           lsls       r3,r3,#0x8
        04004ba2 02 33           adds       r3,#0x2
        04004ba4 1b 02           lsls       r3,r3,#0x8
        04004ba6 4c 33           adds       r3,#0x4c
        04004ba8 1b 02           lsls       r3,r3,#0x8
        04004baa 5b 1c           adds       r3,r3,#0x1
        04004bac 98 47           blx        r3

# 0x0402_4c00


push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
ldr r3, [near_ptr_print_string_ptr]
ldr r0, [newline_str]
blx r3
movs r4, #0

ldr r7, [ram_save_loc]
ldr r0, [r7,#0x4]
ldr r3, [magic_number]
cmp r0, r3
beq carry_on_from_saved

ldr r5, [dump_start]
movs r4, #0x0
str r5, [r7,#0x0]
str r3, [r7,#0x4]

ldr r5, [r7,#0x0]

ldrh       r0,[r4,r5]
ldr        r3,[ptr_print_hex]
push       {r4,r5, r6, r7}
blx        r3
pop        {r4,r5, r6, r7}
adds       r4,#0x2
ldr r6, [chunk_size]
cmp r4, r6
blt loop

add r5, r6
str r5, [r7,#0x0]
pop {r4,r5,r6,r7,pc}
                             ptr_print_hex                                   XREF[1]:     04024c32(R)  
        04024c50 05 59 00 00     int        5905h
                             near_ptr_print_string_ptr                       XREF[1]:     04024c02(R)  
        04024c54 cd 58 00 00     int        58CDh
                             newline_ptr                                     XREF[1]:     04024c04(R)  
        04024c58 60 4c 02 04     char * *   newline_str                                      = '\r'
        04024c5c 00 00 00 04     uint16_t   DAT_04000000                                     = 01h
                             newline_str                                     XREF[1]:     04024c58(*)  
        04024c60 0d              char       '\r'
        04024c61 0a              char       '\n'
        04024c62 00              char       '\0'
        04024c63 00              char       '\0'
                             dump_start                                      XREF[1]:     04024c18(R)  
        04024c64 00 00 00 e0     int        E0000000h
                             chunk_size                                      XREF[1]:     04024c3c(R)  
        04024c68 00 40 00 00     int        4000h
                             ram_save_loc                                    XREF[1]:     04024c0a(R)  
        04024c6c a8 33 00 20     int        200033A8h
                             magic_number                                    XREF[1]:     04024c10(R)  
        04024c70 be ba fe ca     int        CAFEBABEh

codecave_continue_motoridx.bin when flashed will print out 0x4000 bytes of flash at a time when the motor moves.

I managed to dump 64k of flash (ROM?) at address 0. full_internal_flash_0x0.bin

There's a CSPOTTER_ERR string which lead me to the Cyberon CSpotter SDK:

The Cyberon CSpotter is a local voice trigger and command recognition solution that consumes very low resources and provides high accuracy performance. It runs on Renesas RA 32-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) with 120MHz of speed and enough memory to support multi-language commands as well as H/W crypto engine for strong security.

0x0101_0010 reads as all 0x00, so it's not an RA2E2 chip

0x0100_80F0 reads as all 0x00.

0x4000_0000 reads as all 0x00.

0x5000_0000 has some stuff, but it's sparse. See dump_5000_combined.bin

0xE000_0000 reads as all 0x00.

Ram dump at 0x200_0000 can be found at dump_ram.bin. Note, 0x200033A8 and 0x200033AC have been clobbered by my dumping code.


I still don't know which processor this is. It's definitely little-endian ARM, has internal flash at 0x0, has external flash at 0x0400_0000, and has ram at 0x2000_0000.

I'd like to decap it to hopefully see chip markings, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to destroy this board. There's probably more I can learn from it.

I'd also like to get audio captures to see if the Furbys are using ultrasound.


Hacking the new 2023 Furby