duckduckgo / duckduckgo-styles

Common styling elements for all DuckDuckGo properties

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DuckDuckGo Styles

This package contains the common styling elements used on DuckDucKGo.

e.g. buttons. form elements, inline separators, nav menu

Please note

This repository makes use of a number of includes from compass, and assumes that it will be used in combination with litestrap and thus makes use of a number of the variables therein.

Updating Icon Font

  1. First install deps: npm install
  2. Install fontforge (required by grunt-webfont):
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fontforge/fontforge;
    sudo apt-get update;
    sudo apt-get install fontforge;
  3. Add new SVG files to /icons/src/svgs
  4. Add new icon to /icons/src/codepoints.json
  5. grunt


Common styling elements for all DuckDuckGo properties



Language:SCSS 97.3%Language:JavaScript 2.7%