dubonzi / desafio-b2w

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

B2W Challenge - Star Wars



This project is a simple REST API created during the selection process for a position on B2W Digital. It provides information about planets from the Star Wars movies. It interacts with SWAPI (https://swapi.dev/), a public API with data from the franchise.



The project can be run by compiling the source code and/or using Docker.

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
API_PORT 9080 Port used by the API
SWAPI_URL https://swapi.dev/api Base url for the SWAPI api.
MONGODB_URI mongodb://localhost:27017/ URI to your MongoDB server
MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME starwars Database name to be used by the API
MONGODB_TEST_DATABASE_NAME starwars_testdb Database name to be used by the integration tests

Running from source

To compile the code from this repository, you'll need to install Golang and MongoDB on your machine.

After setting up your MongoDB server, we can compile and run the api. For simplicity, authentication is not used when connecting to the MongoDB server. Make sure you setup your server accordingly

At the root folder of this repository, run the command:

go build -o starwars_api .

The -o flag sets the name of the output binary.

Now simply run the resulting binary:


The api will be avaliable at: http://localhost:9080/api/

To modify the starting parameters such as port and database uri, add the environment variables from the table above before the binary in the run command:

MONGODB_URI='mongodb://localhost:27017/' API_PORT='9500' ./starwars_api

Running with Docker

Install Docker and Docker Compose.

At the root folder of this repository, run the command:

docker-compose up --build -d

To stop and remove the containers, run docker-compose down .

To modify environment variables, edit the docker-compose.yaml file.

The api will be avaliable at: http://localhost:9080/api/


Tests can be run from source and with Docker. In order to run tests on Docker, the containers (api and db) must be running.

Integration Tests

Integration tests require an internet connection and the MongoDB instance to be running.

From source

go test desafio-b2w/tests -tags=integration -v


docker-compose exec starwars_api go test desafio-b2w/tests -tags=integration -v

starwars_api is the container name created on the previous step.

Unit Tests

From source

go test desafio-b2w/tests -tags=unit -v


docker-compose exec starwars_api go test desafio-b2w/tests -tags=unit -v


The base url for the api is /api. Both requests and responses use Content-type: application/json.

Avaliable Endpoints

POST /planets

Request Body

Property Type Info
name string required, must be unique
terrain string required
climate string required


Status 201

    "id": "5ed6d8fdfa09e89371ded229",
    "name": "Tatooine",
    "climate": "Arid",
    "terrain": "Mountain",
    "filmAppearances": 5

Status 400 (either if the name already exists or a required property is empty).


  "Status": 400,
  "Code": "planet.duplicated",
  "Message": "A planet with the given name already exists."

GET /planets


Status 200

    "id": "5ed6d8fdfa09e89371ded229",
    "name": "Tatooine",
    "climate": "Arid",
    "terrain": "Desert",
    "filmAppearances": 5
    "id": "5ed6da0bfa09e89371ded22a",
    "name": "Yavin IV",
    "climate": "Temperate, tropical",
    "terrain": "Jungle, rainforests",
    "filmAppearances": 1

GET /planets/:id


Status 200

    "id": "5ed6da0bfa09e89371ded22a",
    "name": "Yavin IV",
    "climate": "Temperate, tropical",
    "terrain": "Jungle, rainforests",
    "filmAppearances": 1

Status 400

    "Status": 400,
    "Code": "invalid.id",
    "Message": "The given ID is invalid."

Status 404

    "Status": 404,
    "Code": "not_found",
    "Message": "The requested resource was not found."

GET /planets?name=:name

Status 200

    "id": "5ed6d8fdfa09e89371ded229",
    "name": "Tatooine",
    "climate": "Arid",
    "terrain": "Desert",
    "filmAppearances": 5

Status 404

    "Status": 404,
    "Code": "not_found",
    "Message": "The requested resource was not found."

DELETE /planets/:id

Status 200

Empty body

Status 400

    "Status": 400,
    "Code": "invalid.id",
    "Message": "The given ID is invalid."

Status 404

    "Status": 404,
    "Code": "not_found",
    "Message": "The requested resource was not found."


This project is under the MIT license.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%