dtolnay / thiserror

derive(Error) for struct and enum error types

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I wish there was a feature to allow use of the backtrace crate rather than std::backtrace

dcormier opened this issue · comments

To allow errors to have backtraces without having to use a nightly toolchain, I wish this crate had a feature to use the backtrace crate in place of std::backtrace.

I agree, this is important to our usage too.

I would prefer not to build this into this crate, since it is specifically for deriving std::error::Error. It would be reasonable for someone else to maintain a derive macro that deals with non-std backtraces.

It would be better to have this crate only attempt to do anything with backtraces if on nightly. As it is right now, I can't even have a field of type backtrace::Backtrace on my errors, without any integration, on stable as thiserror tries to use it for a nightly backtrace which causes errors.

You need to use a different crate. I am not interested in supporting that case in this crate.