dtolnay / semver

Parser and evaluator for Cargo's flavor of Semantic Versioning

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compare matching behavior against 0.10 (currently used by Cargo and crates.io)

dtolnay opened this issue · comments

Request from @Eh2406:

There is a file here with all the versions and requirements from crates.io. It would be so comforting to compare that the same ones parse and match between 0.10 and 1.0. If there is time before the 1.0 release, I may try to do that, if someone does not beat me to it.

I ended up just using the most recent db dump (2021-05-25-020145) from https://static.crates.io/db-dump.tar.gz.

// [dependencies]
// csv = "1.1"
// flate2 = "1.0"
// memmap = "0.7"
// semver-new = { package = "semver", version = "1.0.0-rc.2" }
// semver-old = { package = "semver", version = "0.10" }
// serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
// tar = "0.4"

use csv::StringRecord;
use flate2::read::GzDecoder;
use memmap::Mmap;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap as Map, BTreeSet as Set};
use std::fs::File;
use tar::Archive;

const DB_DUMP: &str = "/home/david/Downloads/db-dump.tar.gz";

type CrateId = u32;
type StringVersion = String;
type StringVersionReq = String;

struct Version {
    crate_id: CrateId,
    num: StringVersion,

#[derive(Deserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
struct Dependency {
    crate_id: CrateId,
    req: StringVersionReq,

fn main() {
    let mut versions: Map<CrateId, Vec<StringVersion>> = Map::new();
    let mut dependencies: Set<Dependency> = Set::new();

    let file = File::open(DB_DUMP).unwrap();
    let mmap = unsafe { Mmap::map(&file) }.unwrap();
    let mut archive = Archive::new(GzDecoder::new(mmap.as_ref()));
    for entry in archive.entries().unwrap() {
        let entry = entry.unwrap();
        let path = entry.path().unwrap();
        if path.ends_with("versions.csv") {
            let mut csv = csv::Reader::from_reader(entry);
            let headers = csv.headers().unwrap().clone();
            let mut record = StringRecord::new();
            while csv.read_record(&mut record).unwrap() {
                let record: Version = record.deserialize(Some(&headers)).unwrap();
        } else if path.ends_with("dependencies.csv") {
            let mut csv = csv::Reader::from_reader(entry);
            let headers = csv.headers().unwrap().clone();
            let mut record = StringRecord::new();
            while csv.read_record(&mut record).unwrap() {
                let record: Dependency = record.deserialize(Some(&headers)).unwrap();


    for dep in &dependencies {
        let req_old = semver_old::VersionReq::parse(&dep.req).unwrap();
        let req_new = compat_parse_version_req(&dep.req).unwrap();

        for version in &versions[&dep.crate_id] {
            let version_old = semver_old::Version::parse(version).unwrap();
            let version_new = compat_parse_version(version).unwrap();

            let old_matches = req_old.matches(&version_old);
            let new_matches = req_new.matches(&version_new);
            if old_matches != new_matches {
                    "\"{}\".matches(\"{}\")  old={} new={}",
                    dep.req, version, old_matches, new_matches,

fn compat_parse_version(string: &str) -> Result<semver_new::Version, semver_new::Error> {
    match string.parse() {
        Ok(version) => Ok(version),
        Err(err) => {
            let deprecated = match string {
                "0.0.1-001" => "0.0.1-1",
                "0.3.0-alpha.01" => "0.3.0-alpha.1",
                "0.4.0-alpha.00" => "0.4.0-alpha.0",
                "0.4.0-alpha.01" => "0.4.0-alpha.1",
                _ => return Err(err),

fn compat_parse_version_req(string: &str) -> Result<semver_new::VersionReq, semver_new::Error> {
    match string.parse() {
        Ok(req) => Ok(req),
        Err(err) => {
            let deprecated = match string {
                "^0-.11.0" => "^0.11.0",
                "^0.1-alpha.0" => "^0.1.0-alpha.0",
                "^0.51-oldsyn" => "^0.51.0-oldsyn",
                "~2.0-2.2" => ">=2.0, <=2.2",
                _ => return Err(err),


[src/main.rs:59] versions.len() = 61556
[src/main.rs:60] dependencies.len() = 141110
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.1.1")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.1.2")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.1.4")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.1.5")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.2.1")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.2.2")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.2.0")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.2.4")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.1.0")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.1.3")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.2.3")  old=false new=true
"~2.0-2.2".matches("2.2.5")  old=false new=true
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.8.1")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.7.1")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.10.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.5.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.7.2")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.12.4")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.8.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.1.12")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.4.1")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.2.1")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.2.2")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.12.1")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.12.2")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.7.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.4.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.1.9")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.6.2")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.12.3")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.3.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.6.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.6.1")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.9.0")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.4.2")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.1.8")  old=true new=false
"^0-.11.0".matches("0.12.0")  old=true new=false

Thank you so much. I am comfortable with that level of brakeage!

I am a little confused, how did #247 not get caught by this check?

I ran my test against the index, but crates.io normalized the version req to 0.11.*. I didn't test against the actual Cargo.toml files. I can run a test on that.

That makes sense. I just wanted to understand.

Here is an updated list. My clone of crates.io is somewhat out of date, so this is current as of about a year ago. Here is the script I used. I think most of them are due to the x thing, which I never knew about!

riscv-regs-0.3.0/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.3.0" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
riscv-regs-0.3.0/Cargo.toml" "0.3.0" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
tari_comms-0.2.0/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.2.0" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
tari_comms-0.2.0/Cargo.toml" "0.2.0" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
rand_funcs-0.1.3/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.1.3" -> 0.x.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing minor version number
rand_funcs-0.1.3/Cargo.toml" "0.1.3" -> 0.x.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing minor version number
tokio-file-0.5.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.5.2" -> 0.*.1, >= 0.12.1
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
tokio-file-0.5.2/Cargo.toml" "0.5.2" -> 0.*.1, >= 0.12.1
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
cortex-a-3.0.4/Cargo.toml.orig" "3.0.4" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
cortex-a-3.0.4/Cargo.toml" "3.0.4" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
strfile-0.1.2/Cargo.toml" "0.1.2" ->
    error: expected comma after patch version number, found '.'
curved_gear-0.1.0/Cargo.toml" "0.1.0" -> 0.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing minor version number
tma-0.1.1/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.1.1" -> 0-.11.0
    error: expected comma after major version number, found '-'
tma-0.1.1/Cargo.toml" "0.1.1" -> 0-.11.0
    error: expected comma after major version number, found '-'
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.11.2" -> 0.4.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.11.2" -> 0.6.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.11.2" -> 0.14.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.11.2" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.11.2" -> 0.11.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml" "0.11.2" -> 0.4.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml" "0.11.2" -> 0.6.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml" "0.11.2" -> 0.14.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml" "0.11.2" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
derive-error-chain-0.11.2/Cargo.toml" "0.11.2" -> 0.11.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
register-0.5.1/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.5.1" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
register-0.5.1/Cargo.toml" "0.5.1" -> 0.5.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
udi-0.0.1/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.0.1" -> 0.11.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
udi-0.0.1/Cargo.toml" "0.0.1" -> 0.11.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
easy-plugin-parsers-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-parsers-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-parsers-0.11.8/Cargo.toml" "0.11.8" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-plugins-0.9.1/Cargo.toml" "0.9.1" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
easy-plugin-plugins-0.9.1/Cargo.toml" "0.9.1" -> 0.*.0
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
qemu-exit-0.1.2/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.1.2" -> 0.7.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
qemu-exit-0.1.2/Cargo.toml" "0.1.2" -> 0.7.x
    error: unexpected character 'x' while parsing patch version number
mio-aio-0.4.1/Cargo.toml.orig" "0.4.1" -> 0.*.1, >= 0.12.1
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req
mio-aio-0.4.1/Cargo.toml" "0.4.1" -> 0.*.1, >= 0.12.1
    error: unexpected character after wildcard in version req

Thanks for doing that! It dose not look so bad!