dtmoodie / EagleEye

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Compile Issues (various plugins)

Essarelle opened this issue · comments

cmake passes with these arguments: cmake -D Plugin_BundleAdjustment=ON -D Plugin_Caffe=On -D Plugin_Core=ON -DPlugin_Dev=ON -D Plugin_Flann=ON -D Plugin_GStreamer=On -D Plugin_ML=OFF -DPlugin_MXnet=ON -D Plugin_Plotting=ON -D Plugin_ROS=ON -D Plugin_SLAM=ON -D Plugin_Segmentation=OFF -D Plugin_VLC=OFF -D Plugin_darknet=OFF -D Plugin_cntk=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabber_openni2=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabbers=ON -D Plugin_freenect=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds_INCLUDES=/code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/include -D Plugin_video=ON -D Plugin_vtkRendering=OFF ..

make fails with this:
In file included from /code/EagleEye/Plugins/Plotting/src/Histogram.cpp:1:0:
/code/EagleEye/Plugins/Plotting/src/PlottingImpl.hpp:9:30: fatal error: PlottingExport.hpp: No such file or directory

cmake passes with these arguments: cmake -D Plugin_BundleAdjustment=ON -D Plugin_Caffe=On -D Plugin_Core=ON -DPlugin_Dev=ON -D Plugin_Flann=ON -D Plugin_GStreamer=On -D Plugin_ML=OFF -DPlugin_MXnet=ON -D Plugin_Plotting=OFF -D Plugin_ROS=ON -D Plugin_SLAM=ON -D Plugin_Segmentation=OFF -D Plugin_VLC=OFF -D Plugin_darknet=OFF -D Plugin_cntk=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabber_openni2=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabbers=ON -D Plugin_freenect=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds=ON -D Plugin_point_clouds_INCLUDES=/code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/include -D Plugin_video=ON -D Plugin_vtkRendering=ON ..

make fails with this:
In file included from /code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/src/bounding_box.cpp:1:0:
/code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/src/bounding_box.h:2:33: fatal error: point_cloudExport.hpp: No such file or directory

then cmake passes with the following arguments: cmake -D Plugin_BundleAdjustment=ON -D Plugin_Caffe=On -D Plugin_Core=ON -DPlugin_Dev=ON -D Plugin_Flann=ON -D Plugin_GStreamer=On -D Plugin_ML=OFF -DPlugin_MXnet=ON -D Plugin_Plotting=OFF -D Plugin_ROS=ON -D Plugin_SLAM=ON -D Plugin_Segmentation=OFF -D Plugin_VLC=OFF -D Plugin_darknet=OFF -D Plugin_cntk=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabber_openni2=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabbers=ON -D Plugin_freenect=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds_INCLUDES=/code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/include -D Plugin_video=ON -D Plugin_vtkRendering=ON ..

make fails with this error:

In file included from /code/EagleEye/Plugins/vtkRendering/src/Renderers.cpp:1:0:
/code/EagleEye/Plugins/vtkRendering/src/Renderers.h:2:32: fatal error: RuntimeLinkLibrary.h: No such file or directory

with this config: cmake -D Plugin_BundleAdjustment=ON -D Plugin_Caffe=On -D Plugin_Core=ON -DPlugin_Dev=ON -D Plugin_Flann=ON -D Plugin_GStreamer=On -D Plugin_ML=OFF -DPlugin_MXnet=ON -D Plugin_Plotting=OFF -D Plugin_ROS=ON -D Plugin_SLAM=ON -D Plugin_Segmentation=OFF -D Plugin_VLC=OFF -D Plugin_darknet=OFF -D Plugin_cntk=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabber_openni2=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabbers=ON -D Plugin_freenect=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds_INCLUDES=/code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/include -D Plugin_video=ON -D Plugin_vtkRendering=OFF ..

make passes

make also passes with this config (most plugins arguments that I could get): cmake -D Plugin_BundleAdjustment=ON -D Plugin_Caffe=On -D Plugin_Core=ON -DPlugin_Dev=ON -D Plugin_Flann=ON -D Plugin_GStreamer=On -D Plugin_ML=OFF -DPlugin_MXnet=ON -D Plugin_Plotting=OFF -D Plugin_ROS=ON -D Plugin_SLAM=ON -D Plugin_Segmentation=ON -D Plugin_VLC=OF -D Plugin_darknet=OFF -D Plugin_cntk=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabber_openni2=OFF -D Plugin_frame_grabbers=ON -D Plugin_freenect=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds=OFF -D Plugin_point_clouds_INCLUDES=/code/EagleEye/Plugins/point_clouds/include -D Plugin_video=ON -D Plugin_vtkRendering=OFF ..

I'm not sure about the VTK issue (using vtk 7.1), but the Plotting and point_cloud plugin seems to be related, is there something you didn't clean out? I am using EagleEye master branch, with Aquila and MetaObject stable branches.

Also, when executing GraphExecutor, I get the following error: [/code/opencv/modules/core/src/cuda_info.cpp:85 getDevice] CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mo::ExceptionWithCallStackcv::Exception'
what(): /code/opencv/modules/core/src/cuda_info.cpp:85: error: (-217) CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version in function getDevice

Which CUDA driver is this designed for?

The runtime error that you are running into is due to a mismatch between the cuda version you compiled against and the driver that is loaded at runtime. Often caused on Linux by/use/local/nvidia/lib exciting in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH before /use/local/nvidia/lib64. Thus causing a load of 32bit drivers when built as a 64bit binary.

any reason to be worried about failure warnings such as this:
Loaded / failed plugins:
failed - aquila_guid.so (dlsym_error). In 0 seconds
failed - aquila_cored.so (dlsym_error). In 0 seconds
failed - ./Plugins/libQCustomPlot.so (dlsym_error). In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libGStreamer.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libvideo.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libCaffe.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libaquila_gui.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libaquila_core.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libCore.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libframe_grabbers.so In 0 seconds
Success - ./Plugins/libDev.so In 0 seconds
I just ran ./GraphExecutor then executed plugins with no arguments. The above was the output.

Run with --log=debug and post full output. Unlikely to be an issue though.

yeah, no errors came up

if I wanted to add additional arguments into the console commands, for instance a help argument that explains all of the commands arguments (similar to how gnu does it with man), what would that entail editting within the code?