dtcooper / python-fitparse

Python library to parse ANT/Garmin .FIT files

Home Page:http://pythonhosted.org/fitparse/

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ValueError: subsection not found

dukeduck1984 opened this issue · comments


I tried to parse a .fit file generated by a garmin watch (pls see the attached), and got ValueError: subsection not found. Below is the debug info output by Jupyter Notebook.

<ipython-input-7-79754fd0eedc> in __check_fit_type(self, path)
    197         self.new_messages = []
--> 198         for field in data_messages:
    199             field_name = field.name
    200             #print(field_name)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\fitparse\base.py in get_messages(self, name, with_definitions, as_dict)
    448         # If there are unparsed messages, yield those too
    449         while not self._complete:
--> 450             message = self._parse_message()
    451             if message and should_yield(message):
    452                 yield message.as_dict() if as_dict else message

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\fitparse\base.py in _parse_message(self)
    158             message = self._parse_definition_message(header)
    159         else:
--> 160             message = self._parse_data_message(header)
    161             if message.mesg_type is not None:
    162                 if message.mesg_type.name == 'developer_data_id':

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\fitparse\base.py in _parse_data_message(self, header)
    318                 header.local_mesg_num))
--> 320         raw_values = self._parse_raw_values_from_data_message(def_mesg)
    321         field_datas = []  # TODO: I don't love this name, update on DataMessage too

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\fitparse\base.py in _parse_raw_values_from_data_message(self, def_mesg)
    269             else:
    270                 # Otherwise, just scrub the singular value
--> 271                 raw_value = base_type.parse(raw_value)
    273             raw_values.append(raw_value)

~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\fitparse\records.py in parse_string(string)
    334 def parse_string(string):
    335     try:
--> 336         end = string.index(0x00)
    337     except TypeError: # Python 2 compat
    338         end = string.index('\x00')

ValueError: subsection not found


I updated the FIT SDK profile and the error has gone.