dtcooper / python-fitparse

Python library to parse ANT/Garmin .FIT files

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FitHeaderError: Invalid .FIT File Header

dks7inc opened this issue · comments

When I an parsing fit files which are stored in the database I got this error FitHeaderError: Invalid.FIT File Header only for one fit file, I am able to parse the remaining fit files

Well, some devices produce FITs with invalid header. Just pass a param FitFile(..., check_crc=False). (Note: the official FIT SDK also does not throw error in case of a wrong FIT header.).

hi xmedeko
thanks for your response I added check_crc=False to my code i got same error, I will paste my Traceback

Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-17-d0c824f75967> in <module>()
      3 for x in a1:
      4         y = x.fit_file
----> 5         fitfile = FitFile(y,check_crc=False)
      6         for record in fitfile.get_messages('record'):
      7                 for record_data in record:

/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fitparse/base.py in __init__(self, fileish, check_crc, data_processor)
     45         # Start off by parsing the file header (sets initial attribute values)
---> 46         self._parse_file_header()
     48     def __del__(self):

/app/.heroku/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fitparse/base.py in _parse_file_header(self)
    112         header_data = self._read(12)
    113         if header_data[8:12] != b'.FIT':
--> 114             raise FitHeaderError("Invalid .FIT File Header")
    116         # Larger fields are explicitly little endian from SDK

FitHeaderError: Invalid .FIT File Header

Ahh, I see, the problem is not in CRC but in the file structure. Every FIT must have 'FIT' string in the 8th byte. So, it seems your FIT is wrong. (To test the FIT validity you can try the official FIT SDK, or try to import it to the Strava or Garmin Connect.)

thanks xmedeko