dswah / pyGAM

[HELP REQUESTED] Generalized Additive Models in Python

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Can't use flit to install pygam - pyproject.toml does not exist

miguelfmc opened this issue · comments

I have been trying to install pygam from source using flit, as indicated in the docs, but I am unable to do so.

I have been running the following (from the project's root directory):

pip install flit
flit install -s

And after running flit install I get the following error:

Config file pyproject.toml does not exist

So it seems like the config toml file for installation is missing.

Environment details
Python 3.6.13
Flit 3.7.1

Upon further reading, it seems like the versions 0.12 and higher of flit use pyproject.toml instead of flit.ini.

A couple of possible fixes:

  1. Follow the latest flit documentation and turn the flit.ini file into a pyproject.toml by running:

python3 -m flit.tomlify

I tried this and it seems to work.

  1. Downgrade flit to version 0.12 or lower

I have not tried this, since this seems like going back to a very old version of flit.

Hi, im sorry that i never responded here.
I hope you were able to figure out a solution.
we have moved to poetry + pyproject.toml
does this work for your use-case?