dstein64 / highlight

A browser extension for automatically highlighting the important content on article pages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Feature request: blocklist for pages/sites that don't benefit from autonomous highlighting

hmijail opened this issue · comments

Pages/sites that are mostly source code, or which have little text, don't benefit from autonomous highlighting. It'd be great to have a way to disable it for such pages/sites. Maybe a blocklist, or a minimum text length threshold, or maybe the importance estimation algorithm has enough information to decide when it makes no sense to highlight?

@hmijail Thanks for the idea!

Cc: @VidFerris

Blocklist support is implemented for autonomous highlighting. The list can be modified on the options page, or by adding pages and hostnames using the new context menu (screenshot below; icons are supported only on Firefox, as Chrome and Edge do not currently support context-menu icons below the top level).

In addition to URLs and hostnames, URL match patterns can also be added to the blocklist.

Rather than blocking autonomous highlighting on certain pages, the blocklist can alternatively be used for allowing autonomous highlighting on certain pages. This is documented on the options page under Blocklist Information > Allowing Certain Pages.

I've submitted the updated extension to Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. It has been approved for Firefox, and the review is still pending for the others (it can take up to a few days, based on prior experience).

Context Menu Screenshot
