dsplaisted / strongnamer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build fails when a dependency uses a type from a second order dependency as a constant

Nick-Lucas opened this issue · comments

This bug was discovered in the research under #10 and is caused by Mono.Cecil trying to resolve the .dll for a second order dependency, when the value of a compile time constant needs to be validated as part of writing an assembly.

When this happens the second order dependency cannot be resolved, since it's not in the project/bin/GAC folders, and the build fails.

Proposed solution is to implement a custom AssemblyResolver class and pass the list of solution assemblies in, for later resolution and returning.

Hey @dsplaisted is StrongNamer still being maintained?

Yes, sporadically. It hasn't need too much maintenance.

Gotcha! Well I've got a bugfix for this issue under #12 which would be great to merge in with any changes you think are appropriate :)