DSNortsev / Awesome-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Deployment

Awesome Machine learning Deep learning Deployment

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Machine learning and Deep learning Model deployment using API Resources

GitHub Links:

  1. https://github.com/sauravk90/ML-Model-Flask-Deployment
  2. https://github.com/deepakiim/Deploy-machine-learning-model
  3. https://github.com/emmapraise/deploying-ml-model-using-flask
  4. https://github.com/elliebirbeck/model-deployment-flask
  5. https://github.com/ashishpatel26/Machine-Learning-Web-Apps
  6. https://github.com/mickwar/ml-deploy
  7. https://github.com/mtobeiyf/keras-flask-deploy-webapp
  8. https://github.com/antoinemertz/deploy-ml-flask
  9. https://github.com/pratos/flask_api/blob/master/notebooks/ML%2BModels%2Bas%2BAPIs%2Busing%2BFlask.md

Articles :

  1. Deploy a machine learning model using flask

  2. Designing a Machine Learning model and deploying it using Flask on Heroku

  3. Deploying Models to Flask

  4. Deploy Machine Learning Models for Free

  5. Turning Machine Learning Models into APIs in Python

  6. Deploy a Machine Learning Model with Flask

  7. How to build an API for a machine learning model in 5 minutes using Flask

  8. Tutorial to deploy Machine Learning models in Production as APIs (using Flask)

  9. Tutorial: Deploying a machine learning model to the web

  10. The brilliant beginner’s guide to model deployment

  11. A Flask API for serving scikit-learn models

  12. Turn any Jupyter notebook into a REST API

  13. A comprehensive guide to putting a machine learning model in production using Flask, Docker, and Kubernetes

  14. Deploy a Python machine learning model as a web service

  15. Python Machine Learning Prediction with a Flask REST API

  16. A Simple Way to Deploy Any Machine Learning

  17. Web Development of NLP Model in Python & Deployed in Flask

  18. Deploying Machine Learning model in production

  19. How to Move Your Machine Learning Model to Production

  20. Deploy Deep Learning models using Flask

  21. Deploy Your First Deep Learning Model On Kubernetes With Python, Keras, Flask, and Docker



  24. Deploying Machine Learning Models is Hard, But It Doesn’t Have to Be

  25. How To Deploy Keras Deep Learning Models With Flask

  26. Deploying Keras Model in Production using Flask

  27. Deploying the Machine Learning model using Keras and Flask

  28. How to deploy Keras model to production using flask

  29. Publishing Machine Learning API With Python Flask

  30. Deploying Python ML Models with Flask, Docker and Kubernetes

  31. Deploy your Machine Learning Model as REST-API in Less than 1 hour with Scikit-Learn and Docker

  32. Deploying Deep Learning Models On Web And Mobile

  33. Deploying ML models using flask and flasgger

  34. Serving with the PyTorch model – Flask

  35. How to deploy Machine Learning models with TensorFlow. Part 1 — make your model ready for serving

  36. Deploy your machine learning models with tensorflow serving and kubernetes

  37. A guide to deploying Machine/Deep Learning model(s) in Production

  38. How to deploy TensorFlow models to production using TF Serving

  39. Training and deploying machine learning models on GCP ML-Engine using Tensorflow Estimators

  40. Overview of Different Approaches to Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production

  41. Serverless Machine Learning

  42. How To Build a Deep Learning Model to Predict Employee Retention Using Keras and TensorFlow

  43. How to Deploy Machine Learning Models

Courses :

  1. Deployment of Machine Learning Models | Udemy

  2. Deploying Machine Learning Models | Coursera

  3. How to deploy machine learning models into production

  4. Deploying Python Machine Learning Models in Production | SciPy

  5. Deploying Scalable Machine Learning for Data Science

  6. Deploying your machine learning model to unlock its potential


Awesome Machine learning Deep learning Deployment