dsnet / udptunnel

Daemon for creating a simple VPN over UDP.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

how to specify TunnelPeerAddress field on mac?

luckypoem opened this issue · comments


yudeMacBook-Air:~ brite$ udptunnel dsnet-udptunnel-config.json
2018/03/26 11:46:37 main.go:146: required TunnelPeerAddress field must be specified on darwin
yudeMacBook-Air:~ brite$ cat dsnet-udptunnel-config.json
"TunnelDevice": "",
"TunnelAddress": "",
"TunnelPeerAddress": "",
"NetworkAddress": "my-vps-ip:8000",
"AllowedPorts": [22]
yudeMacBook-Air:~ brite$

tks a lot

I wouldn't exactly call an empty string as "specified".

The TunnelPeerAddress must be address of the remote endpoint. If you're using the configuration from the example, then it would be "".

你是**人吗?现在我把TunnelPeerAddress的值设为了10.0.0.1 ,在mac上也能ping通10.0.0.1 ,也运行了:
sudo route add my-vps-ip
sudo route delete default
sudo route add default

在vps上,已设置net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 , iptables nat命令也运行了。udptunnel 已在运行中:
root@ar:# ps aux|grep udptunnel
root 3631 0.0 0.4 286832 4732 ? Ssl 22:51 0:00 /root/go/gopath/bin/udptunnel /root/dsnet-udptunnel-config.json
root 3699 0.0 0.0 11072 824 pts/3 S+ 23:30 0:00 grep udptunnel