dsfsi / covid19za

Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository and Dashboard for South Africa

Home Page:https://dsfsi.github.io/covid19za-dash/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature] FYI added tracking for Phase 2 Vaccinations

lrossouw opened this issue · comments

Added tracking of Phase 2 Vaccinations in data/covid19za_timeline_vaccination.csv.

There are two additional columns in that file:
vaccinations_sisonke are the original Sisonke vaccinations.
vaccinations_phase_2 are the Phase 2 vaccinations which are being reported separately.
vaccinations are the total vaccinations of the two and is the same name used before. So hopefully any downstream reports will continue just working and will include both sources now.

In terms of NAs. If they do not report Sisonke figures going forward I will leave vaccinations_sisonke blank but still fill in the total. If they do not report Phase 2 vaccinations I will leave vaccinations_phase_2 blank and also leave the total blank.

Hope that makes sense?


Ah looks good to me I guess? I will leave this open a couple of days and close as I've already implemented the feature.