dschu012 / D2SLib

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Having issues using the Library

MadBrother33 opened this issue · comments


I am able to open d2i files for example Beserker's Arsenal Armor. Then I have an instance of the Item class. So far so good. I analysed the class properties, fields and method, but I can't manage to get the name of the object. I'm looking for the item's set name, in this case "Berserker's Hauberk".

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance

Hello, I am working on a side project using this lib.
To implement the TXT files seeding, you can take a look here.
I think you need to include these files similarly to the library does to Armor.txt.

  • SetItems.txt and Sets.txt(optional) for set gears.
  • UniqueItems.txt for unique gears.
  • Runes.txt for runeword gears.

You can get these files here.

Then you make classes similar to ArmorTXT class.

  • SetItemsTXT, UniqueTXT, RunesTXT
    *: Do note that if you open up these UniqueItems.txt and SetItems.txt files in a spreadsheet editor, you will notice a blank row with only the index column showing "Expansion". This row needs to be removed from the TXT class, or you will get some of the items displayed in the wrong name due to the incorrect index.

For Unique and Set quality items, you need to use the property FileIndex as the row index to get to the rows in UniqueTXT or SetItemsTXT, then use the column index of column Index in those corresponding txt files to further advance to the cell.

As for Runeword, I haven't achieved anything elegant, I have to search each of the socket items in order to narrow down to the runeword of these runes combination.

screenshot miniD2