dschinkel / isolate-components

Isolate and test react components

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Isolate and test your modern react components without the need for DOM emulators and with support for hooks.


yarn add --dev isolate-components or npm install -D isolate-components


See API documentation.

import { isolateComponent } from 'isolate-components'

// the component we are going to test
const MyComponent = (props) => (
  <span>Hello {props.name}</span>

// render the component, in isolation
const component = isolateComponent(<MyComponent name='Trillian' />)
console.log(component.findOne('span').content()) // => 'Hello Trillian'

// now update the props
component.setProps({name: 'Zaphod'})
console.log(component.findOne('span').content()) // => 'Hello Zaphod'

Usage with useContext

You can test components that use useContext using the .withContext() decorator:

const QuestionContext = React.createContext('')
const AnswerContext = React.createContext(0)

const DisplayQuestionAndAnswer = () => (
    {React.useContext(QuestionContext)} {React.useContext(AnswerContext)}

const isolated = isolateComponent
  .withContext(QuestionContext, 'what is the answer?')
  .withContext(AnswerContext, 42)
  (<DisplayQuestionAndAnswer />)

console.log(isolated.toString()) // => <div>what is the answer? 42</div>

Usage with hooks

Hooks are supported, including useEffect:

// Component with effect
const ExampleWithHooks = (props) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log(`Hello ${props.name}`)
    // cleanup function
    return () => {
      console.log(`Goodbye ${props.name}`)
  }, [props.name])
  return (
    <span>Hello {props.name}</span>

// render the component, in isolation
const component = isolateComponent(<MyComponent name='Trillian' />)
// logs: "Hello Trillian"

component.setProps({name: 'Zaphod'})
//logs: "Goodbye Trillian" (effect cleanup)
//logs: "Hello Zaphod" (effect runs because name prop has changed)

//logs: "Goodbye Zaphod"

Isolated component API

An isolated component has some methods to help exercise and inspect it.

Docs for those methods lives here: Isolated component API docs

Project progress

This is a new project -- your feature requests and feedback are appreciated.

See the project tracker for project progress.

File an issue if you have a suggestion or request.


Isolate and test react components


Language:TypeScript 100.0%