ds828 / pypc--pre-processor-python--

a pre-processor for multi program languages written by python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[feature request] Could you please support reverse preprocess?

happyfire opened this issue · comments

I know, when using git we can revert the preprocess by git checkout, but if we modify other files in workspace we had to finger out which files to be reverted.
And some projects are still using svn, so each time we need to modify the unpreprocessed files we need to do a svn revert, it is slow.

So if you provide the un-preprocess feature, it will be easy for us to unpreprocess the files which has been preprocessed.


I think the initial code should not be changed.
Only thing you can do is to build one new version/repository/branch, even one folder for your prepcessed code.
Your idea?


I want to modify the preprocessed code, and if we don't have un-preprocess feature, we must merge everthing we modify in the preprocessed code to the unpreprocessed code. Now, we only can modify the unpreprocessed code and do a preprocess and to see if we do the right thing. If you support reverse preprocess we can edit the preprocessed code in eclipse and test, and when it ok, we do a reverse preprocess and we got everything we edit in the unpreprocessed code, it will be very nice!

Actually I had used a similiar in house tool serveral years before which can support preprocess and un-preprocess, the tool is used by more than 20 pepoles in a project team, and make the code manage very good. But it is a inhouse tool, so I try to find an open-source tool, and I found what you provides. Hope you can make your tool better than any inhouse tools.

Sure, I can do it for you. It sounds cool.

Yeah, that may be cool : )

I did it. Please try it.
python pypc.py -s done/test1 -r
the reversed test1 will be output to 'reversed' folder.