drxcc / vim-vmath

Damian Conway's vmath.vim plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Damian Conway's vmath plugin for vim as demonstrated at his OSCON 2013 "More Instantly Better Vim" presentation. Calculates the sum, average, min, and max for a visual region containing numbers.


Copy vmath.vim to ~/.vim/plugin:

cp ./plugin/vmath.vim ~/.vim/plugin/

or use tpope's pathogen:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://github.com/nixon/vim-vmath.git


Add the following key maps to ~/.vimrc:

vmap <expr>  ++  VMATH_YankAndAnalyse()
nmap         ++  vip++

Start vim, use visual mode to highlight a set of numbers, and use ++. The result will be output like:

sum: 21   avg: 3.5   min: 1   max: 6   count: 6

The results are also stored in the following registers:

  • s : sum
  • a : average
  • n : min
  • x : max
  • c : number of items
  • r : range

which can then be pasted with "sp, etc. The sum is also available in the default yank buffer so it can be easily pasted with p.


The original author placed vmath.vim in the public domain.



Damian Conway's vmath.vim plugin


Language:Vim Script 100.0%