drsect0r / sigtool

Ed25519 signing & verification for arbitary files; like OpenBSD signifiy but written in Golang - only easier and simpler

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

README for sigtool

What is this?

This is a tool to generate, sign and verify Ed25519 signatures. In many ways, it is like like OpenBSD's signify -- except written in Golang and designed to be easier to use.

It can sign and verify very large files - it prehashes the files with SHA-512 and then signs the SHA-512 checksum.

All the artifacts produced by this tool are standard YAML files - thus, human readable.

How do I build it?

With Go 1.5 and later:

mkdir sigtool
cd sigtool
env GOPATH=`pwd` go get -u github.com/opencoff/sigtool

The binary will be in bin/sigtool.

How do I use it?

Broadly, the tool can:

  • generate new key pairs (public key and private key)
  • sign a file
  • verify a file against its signature

Generate Key pair

To start with, you generate a new key pair (a public key used for verification and a private key used for signing). e.g.,

sigtool gen /tmp/testkey

The tool then generates /tmp/testkey.pub and /tmp/testkey.key. The secret key (".key") can optionally be encrypted with a user supplied pass phrase - which the user has to enter via interactive prompt:

sigtool gen -p /tmp/testkey

Sign a file

Signing a file requires the user to provide a previously generated Ed25519 private key. The signature (YAML) is written to STDOUT. e.g., to sign archive.tar.gz with private key /tmp/testkey.key

sigtool sign /tmp/testkey.key archive.tar.gz

If testkey.key was encrypted with a user pass phrase:

sigtool sign -p /tmp/testkey.key archive.tar.gz

The signature can also be written directly to a user supplied output file.:

sigtool sign -p -o archive.sig /tmp/testkey.key archive.tar.gz

Verify a signature against a file

Verifying a signature of a file requires the user to supply three pieces of information:

  • the Ed25519 public key to be used for verification
  • the Ed25519 signature
  • the file whose signature must be verified

e.g., to verify the signature of archive.tar.gz against testkey.pub using the signature archive.sig:

sigtool verify /tmp/testkey.pub archive.sig archive.tar.gz

How is the private key protected?

The Ed25519 private key is encrypted using a key derived from the user supplied pass phrase. This pass phrase is used to derive an encryption key using the Scrypt key derivation algorithm. The resulting derived key is XOR'd with the Ed25519 private key before being committed to disk. To protect the integrity of the process, the essential parameters used for deriving the key, and the derived key are hashed via SHA256 and stored along with the encrypted key.

As an additional security measure, the user supplied pass phrase is hashed with SHA512.

In Pseudo-code:

passwd = get_user_password()
hpass  = SHA512(passwd)
salt   = randombytes(32)
xorkey = Scrypt(hpass, salt, N, r, p)

cksum  = SHA256(salt, xorkey)
enckey = ed25519_private_key ^ xorkey

And, cksum, enckey are the entities stored as on-disk private key.

The Scrypt parameters used by the sign library are:

  • N: 131072
  • r: 16
  • p: 1

Understanding the Code

The tool uses a companion library that manages the keys and signatures. It is part of a growing set of Golang libraries that are useful in multiple projects. You can find them on github.

The core code is in the sign library. This library is can be reused in any of your projects.

Licensing Terms

The tool is licensed under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0 (strictly v2.0). If you need a commercial license or a different license, please get in touch with me.

See the file LICENSE.md for the full terms of the license.


Sudhi Herle <sw@herle.net>


Ed25519 signing & verification for arbitary files; like OpenBSD signifiy but written in Golang - only easier and simpler

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Go 100.0%