drobakowski / concrete

Concrete enhances your rebar based Erlang project by providing a common Makefile wrapper, a dialyzer make target that caches PLT analysis of your project's dependencies, and a mechanism to specify development only dependencies.

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concrete: enhance your rebar build experience

Concrete enhances your rebar based Erlang project by providing a common Makefile wrapper, a dialyzer make target that caches PLT analysis of your project's dependencies, and a mechanism to specify development only dependencies.


Standard make targets

  • all
  • allclean
  • clean
  • compile
  • dialyzer
  • distclean
  • doc
  • eunit
  • tags
  • test

Dialyzer config

The makefile rules included in concrete will check for a ~/.dialyzer.plt file and will create a reusable PLT for the OTP modules.

By default, concrete will build a local PLT file containing analysis of the dependencies of your project found in the deps directory. When you run the dialyzer target via make dialyzer, the global ~/.dialyzer.plt is combined with the project-specific deps.plt to analze your code. Including dependencies in the analysis is important to get the most out of dialyzer and precomputing a PLT for your deps saves time.

You may encounter some dependenices which do not play well with dialyzer. You can tell concrete to omit these problem dependencies by adding them to a DIALYZER_SKIP_DEPS make variable in your Makefile.

In general, concrete should be able to detect when deps.plt needs to be rebuilt. If you are encountering confusing dialyzer warnings and have recently updated your dependencies, you can remove deps.plt and rebuild.

Dev only dependencies

You can specify dependencies that are only needed during development using the dev_only_deps key in your rebar.config file. Example:

  {proper, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/manopapad/proper.git", "master"}}

When you run make, concrete will create .concrete/DEV_MODE and use this file as an indicator to include dev_only_deps in the build. These dependencies will not be incurred by other projects that add your project as a dependency.

When in dev mode, concrete will define a macro DEV_ONLY which can be used to conditionally include test code that makes use of a dev only dependency.

Generate markdown docs via edown

By default, concrete will include [edown][] as a dev only dependency and use it to generate markdown from the edoc in your code when you run make doc. You can disable this behavior by adding the following to your rebar.config file:

 {use_edown, false}.


  1. Clone the concrete repo

  2. Build the project

  3. Add the concrete escript to your PATH. NOTE: the concrete escript cannot be relocated because it locates the template files in priv/templates based on the location of the executable.

      git clone git://github.com/opscode/concrete.git
      cd concrete
      rebar compile escriptize
      # now add `pwd` to your PATH

Is this thing on? Let's find out!

mkdir infodata
cd infodata
concrete init
# now look around and try running 'make'

Concrete Examples

Initialize a new project with concrete init

  1. Make sure the concrete escript is on your PATH.
  2. Create a directory for your new project. It is important that it is empty.
  3. Run concrete init and provide name and description when prompted (newline terminates input).

The whole sequence should look like this:

 $ mkdir apples
 $ cd apples
 $ concrete init
 Initialize a new project with concrete

 Project name: apples
 Short Description:
 What do you want, this is just an example
 Creating apples via 'rebar create template=concrete_project name=apples description="What do you want, this is just an example"'
 Now try: make

 $ ls -a
   .concrete/  .gitignore  Makefile  README.md  concrete.mk include/  priv/  rebar.config  rebar.config.script  src/  test/

important Add the files that concrete created for you to git. Be sure that you `git add1 the following:

git add concrete.mk
git add rebar.config
git add rebar.config.script
git add Makefile

Updating an existing project

When you run concrete update, concrete will create backup copies of your Makefile, rebar.config.script, and concrete.mk. Then it will copy the latest version of those files over.

The purpose of the update command is to make it easier to receive fixes and features when they are added to the make rules or rebar config script that are part of concrete's project templates.

You can also use the update command to help convert an existing project to use concrete.

How It Works

A project that uses concrete, will have a minimal Makefile that includes a set of standard rules in concrete.mk. The project will also contain both a rebar.config file and a rebar.config.script file. The .script config is evaluated by rebar after the standard config is read. The script looks for .concrete/DEV_MODE and decides whether or not to add dev_only_deps.

Initially, I was planning on making concrete a dependency that you would include in a project with the possibility of picking up the latest build rules by refetching the concrete dep. Keeping working builds working seems more important and in the common case it should still be easy to pickup updates when desired.


Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Opscode, Inc.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0



Concrete enhances your rebar based Erlang project by providing a common Makefile wrapper, a dialyzer make target that caches PLT analysis of your project's dependencies, and a mechanism to specify development only dependencies.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Erlang 100.0%