drmfinlay / tts-util-app

TTS Util — Text-to-speech utility Android app for synthesising text into audible speech

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Feature Request: Pause and resume

aliron19 opened this issue · comments

Hi there!,

First of all, I want to thank you for the time and effort you've spent to develop this program, as I find it really useful.

I think it would be great to have an option to pause and resume the current reading. For example, it could be implemented as a new button next to the stop icon which would pause the reading the first time you press it, and it would resume it with the next press. Or, you could transform the play button after pressing it into a pause icon, and once you've pressed the pause icon change it back to a play icon.

In a second iteration, maybe this could be implemented by syncing the current playback with a moving cursor in the text box, so it would move forward as it reads the text. With this feature it would be possible to go some words (or paragraphs) backward (or forward) just by pausing, replacing the cursor to a previous (or following) position, and then resuming the play.

Thank you very much.

Great news! Please, let me know if I can help you to beta test these features.

By the way, I'd like to translate your App to Spanish. I've found these resources translated to Chinese:


Would it be enough to translate the English equivalent versions of those files and folders to Spanish? How should I proceed?

Thank you.

Next version features sound great!

I'll wait until you release a beta to translate the App to Spanish, as you suggest.

Thanks a lot.

Came here to suggest these very things [pause/resume - read from cursor position] - see they are already in the works. Nice surprise. When these features are added they will be super useful. Great app thanks

(2nd comment this issue) re: Wondering on the pause button status

TTS Util such a great app, very useful - use it quite a bit.. and on that just want to say again it would be super to be able to pause and resume. That alone even with no other changes would make a big difference - especially reading longer text documents etc.

As it is now if i need to pause I'll stop the app at whatever spot and then delete everything (already read) up to that point, and then restart. This works but is of course not ideal.

The other things mentioned in this thread like cursor placement, highlighting, etc. can wait imo if just the pause button could be added it would be good enough til whenever (imo)

thanks again TTS Util