drmfinlay / pyjsgf

JSpeech Grammar Format (JSGF) compiler, matcher and parser package for Python.

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Suggestion: it's better to add `import` function

wqw547243068 opened this issue · comments

  • As you know, the original JSGF docs show that we could import other jsgf files, while pyjsgf doesn't work
  • sample:
    • import <com.acme.politeness.startPolite>
#JSGF V1.0 ISO8859-1 en;

grammar com.acme.commands;
import <com.acme.politeness.startPolite>;
import <com.acme.politeness.endPolite>;

  * Basic command.
  * @example please move the window
  * @example open a file

public <basicCmd> = <startPolite> <command> <endPolite>;

<command> = <action> <object>;
<action> = /10/ open |/2/ close |/1/ delete |/1/ move;
<object> = [the | a] (window | file | menu);

@wqw547243068 Which file do you use to define the JSGF syntax?pls

Python file,as following:

<what> = ( |是什么|怎么算|怎么计算|什么是|是多少|什么||?);
<fact> = ( 定义|方法|规则|要求|咨询);
<how> = ( 怎么办|咋办||咋样|咋整|不了|怎样|怎么样|怎么弄|怎么用|什么办法|办法|如何|如何处理|怎么处理 );
<why> = ( 为什么|为什|为何|原因|什么原因|什么意思|怎么回事|怎麽回事|怎么不|怎么还|怎么没|怎么是|怎么这么||还是|干嘛|凭啥|凭什么|咋没有|还没|解释|啥意思 );
<which> = ( 哪一个|哪个);
<where> = ( |地点|哪里|在哪儿|哪儿|在那里|那里);
<much> = ( 哪些|几个|几次|多少 );
<when> = ( 什么时候|多久|怎么还|啥时候 );
<whether> = ( 能不能|是否|可不可以|可以|?||||没有|有没有|是不是|行不行|好不好 );
// 肯定否定
<yes> = (|是的|| );
<no> = ( 不是|不是的|不对|错了|||没有| );
// wangqiwen, 格式:[qname[qid] : 相关case集合(/分隔)], 便于跟踪矫正
// 指派模式拒单规则及影响[3042657] :  派单模式拒单会影响我服务分吗/派单模式不能取消吗/派单模式规则/我可以取消指派订单吗/指派订单必须得去吗
public <qid_3042657> = (<qid_3042657_1>|<qid_3042657_2>) {qid-3042657};
<qid_3042657_1> = ( (<assign_mode> <cancel>)|(<cancel> <assign_mode>) [<whether>|<what>|<fact>] );
<qid_3042657_2> = ( <assign_mode> <whether> );