drfragger / SomaCalc

An all-purpose Warframe damage calculator, with graphing support. VERY indev at the moment.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SomaCalc is a scaling damage calculator for Warframe built in Python 3.6. It has access to both raw numerical output for damage numbers, or you can graph your results to see how quickly a weapon will fall off at high levels. Its only external dependancies are matplotlib and numpy.



All damage type names are abbreviated, for ease of use.

example_weapon = Weapon(name='example_weapon_name',
                        imp=0, punc=0, sla=0,
                        cld=0, elec=0, ht=0, txn=0,
                        blst=0, crsv=0, gas=0, mag=0,
                        rad=0, vir=0,
                        critC=0.1, critX=2,
                        magazine=60, reload_=2, firerate=5, bullets=1,
                        chargetime=0, burstshots=0, burstdelay=0)


All armor, health, etc. types are constants defined in bodytypes.py. They are accessed by calling bodytypes.init().

import bodytypes
types = bodytypes.init()
example_enemy = Enemy(name='example_enemy',

With my system, all enemies are techincally armored; unarmored enemies just have a neutral armor type and zero armor value.


example_mod = Mod( modtype, stat, bonus )
# modtype can have two different string values: 'damage' or 'other'.
# 'damage' affects damage stats. 'other' affects anything else.
# 'stat' can be property the weapon has, or 'all', which indicates a modification to all damage types.

# Note: damage percent bonuses are converted to a multiplier.
# ex_0: Stormbringer( +90% Electric ) -> Mod('damage', 'elec', 0.9)
# ex_1: Serration( +160% Damage ) -> Mod('damage', 'All', 1.6)

# Using on a weapon:
# ex_0 (single mod):
#       wep = Weapon(etc, etc, ..)
#       wep.applymod(example_mod)

# ex_1 (multiple mods):
#       build = (example_mod_0, example_mod_1)          # Must be a tuple, not a list
#       wep = Weapon(etc, etc, ..)
#       wep.applymod(build)

Accessing database of weapons/enemies

import weapon_objects, enemy_objects

WEAPONS = weapon_objects.init()
ENEMIES = enemy_objects.init()

john_prodman = ENEMIES['C_PRODMAN']

grakata = WEAPONS['GRAKATA']

Graphing DPS

plot_damage(weapon_0, enemy, weapon_1(optional), level_range=160, live=True)

The live parameter determines whether to output a live graph or a static image called graph-image.png. True gives the former, and False gives the latter.


  • Enemies with shields are broken up into two "sub enemies"; one with just the shields, and the other with the health and armor. As such, damage calculations must be done on each part seperately.

  • Does not yet support melee weapons. May need to add new class for that.

  • Does not factor in status procs. Not sure if I'll ever manage to get this in reliably, but who knows.

  • I'm still not totally satisfied with the mod system yet, as it can't handle changing multiple stats and firerate with burst and charged weapons at the moment.

  • All primaries are currently saved in a pickle file. I'm getting around to doing the secondaries. I'll do the melee weapons once I've figured out how to accurately calculate their DPS. Also: Pickling works, but I'm unsure if I want to stick with the format. SomaCalc is now pickle-free! Accessing predefined weapons and enemies is now handled by calling the module's instantiator method, which is faster and less cumbersome compared to pickle.

  • I am an amateur. There may be bugs, although I haven't encountered anything.


An all-purpose Warframe damage calculator, with graphing support. VERY indev at the moment.


Language:Python 100.0%