dreamportdev / Osdev-Notes

A set of tutorials (notes) organized as a book that explore how to write an Operating System from scratch

Home Page:https://github.com/dreamportdev/Osdev-Notes

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A Complement

AlexDev404 opened this issue · comments

I would like to commend you on creating this repository. It has proven useful countless times in helping me to create my Operating System. The notes you have created are amazingly well laid out, detailed and extremely easy-to-read compared to the OSDev Wiki.

I have also taken a look at your Operating System and would like to also applaud you in making it so far.

Thank you so much for creating this repository!
Keep up the hard and amazing work!

Hi @AlexDev404,

first of all thank you very much for this issue...

I think this is the kind of issue that any developer would love to see open on their projects!!!

I'm really happy to know that someone somewhere in the world find my works useful, and being compared to the Osdev Wiki, well it makes me feel honored of that.

The notes received also several contribution by @DeanoBurrito so let's extend the thanks and compliments to him too! (he is writing an OS too in C++, https://github.com/DeanoBurrito/northport/)

Btw i know what you mean when you say that the Osdev Wiki is not easy to read, this is basically why i started to took all those notes. There are some pages that are very well written and helpful, and some of them that are written in a rush, and basically most of the time is mostly code, with not many explanations (and when i need to understand new concepts only the code is not enough). So on my notes i tried to focuse more on the concept than on the code, because i think that if the concept is clear in mind, well the code is easier to write, in fact as you can see there is not much code in them...

And also because i tend to forget things... so now at least i know where to look XD

Of course if you want to help me, find errors, you want to contribute with your own notes, feel free to open a PR!

Ah and thanks having a look at my OS too! :)

Yeah i'll keep writing them as long as i'll write code for Dreamos64 (i'm working on a new section about memory management it will take some time btw for it).

And again thanks for this issue!

And me too, Your assistance has proven invaluable in the creation of my Operating System.
The notes you've provided are exceptionally well-structured, detailed, and far easier to comprehend compared to the OSDev Wiki.
I want to express my sincere gratitude for creating this repository! Your hard work and dedication shine through, and I am truly grateful for the invaluable resource you've built.
Keep up the amazing work!

@0xb4dc0d3x thank you, on behalf of me and @DeanoBurrito too (i hope he doesn't mind)

We are always happy to receive those comments, and give us the motivation to keep working on them.

Being compared to The Osdev Wiki is such an honour for us.

And again thanks for your comment, and for reading the notes! :)

@dreamos82 I've been reading your book. And I just have to say it is one of the most concise but comprehensive work I have ever read on practical operating system development so far!

I would like to compare it to "The little book about OS development" as I feel as if it complements this material also while going into some further depth into the topics. I would highly recommend these two books (your book, and the other book) to anyone willing to study the development of operating systems.

I will be purchasing your book in an effort to support your project.

Thank you once again for your hard work and contributions to the open source community!
You are highly a valued person!

@AlexDev404 thanks for your comment! And after the Osdev wiki comparison, you compared it also with "the little book about os development", you make us feel important 😃

All this wouldn't have possible without the help of the other author of the notes: @DeanoBurrito!!

Thanks for purchasing the book, i hope you will like it :) (i received my copy yesterday)

Thanks again for the appreciation, we never expected that a small project like that would hve turned into it.

It all started with me taking notes during my latest attempt to write an OS... and then after sharing them on github @DeanoBurrito joined the project with his contribution... and they ended up in a (self)printed book too... :D