dreamRs / prefixer

Prefix function with their namespace & other development tools

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Replace `tidyverse::` with package name

gshotwell opened this issue · comments

There was a recent post which warned people not to use the tidyverse package in package development, and I thought this might be a good opportunity to use a package to change tidyverse prefixes to the more limited package prefix. So the user could write:

mtcars %>%
    tidyverse::mutate(n = n()) %>%

And get after running the script their code would change to:

mtcars %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n = n()) %>%

Anyway I just found out about this awesome package and thought this idea would fit well here, does it seem like a useful idea?

You're absolutely right, but tidyverse::mutate isn't a function, so prefixer won't propose to prefix mutate with tidyverse only with dplyr :)
