drashland / drash

A microframework for building JavaScript HTTP applications. Runtime-agnostic. Strongly typed.

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ErrorService to handle HttpErrors / introduce custom error handling

routmoute opened this issue · comments



Possiblity to modify Errors messages:
For exemple, change

Error: Method Not Allowed
    at Server.<anonymous> (https://deno.land/x/drash@v2.3.0/src/http/server.ts:238:17)
    at async Server.#respond (https://deno.land/std@0.119.0/http/server.ts:298:18)


    "error": "Method Not Allowed"

or what we want


Do not see details in production

Acceptance Criteria

Below is a list of tasks that must be completed before this issue can be closed.

  • Write documentation
  • Write integration tests
  • Write feature