drapergem / draper

Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications

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Draper::UninferrableDecoratorError (Could not infer a decorator for Document.)

denmarkmeralpis opened this issue · comments

How can I infer a namespaced decorator? I got an error(which is expected) everytime I decorate Document model.

2.5.3 :010 > Document.first.decorate.created_at

Draper::UninferrableDecoratorError (Could not infer a decorator for Document.)
# app/decorators/example_namespace/document_decorator.rb
module ExampleNamespace
   class DocumentDecorator < ::Draper::Decorator

      def created_at
         object.strftime('%D %r')

# app/models/document.rb
class Document < ApplicationRecord

Did you had a look at #545 ? Just came across this as well.

Or if it helps, you could specify it in your controller with

decorates_association :document with: ExampleNamespace::DocumentDecorator

If you use Spring, try:

spring stop

and restart your server/console