drapergem / draper

Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications

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Generators don't work.

opsaaaaa opened this issue · comments

I created a fresh rails project.
I was following the readme while adding some decorators.

To create an ApplicationDecorator that all generated decorators inherit from, run...

rails generate draper:install
When you have Draper installed and generate a controller...

rails generate decorator Article
...to create the ArticleDecorator.

for rails generate decorator Article I get

Could not find generator 'decorator'. 

and basically the same message for rails generate draper:install

I created a decorator manually and it seems to work fine. just the generators that don't work.

Is this feature currently broken or have the generators been deprecated or am I missing something?


Hello @opsaaaaa 👋

This sounds like the gem has not been bundled. Make sure the gem is added to Gemfile and then run bundle install.
The generators should work after that.

@lxxxvi, Thank you but I am not a noob. Yes I remembered to install the gem.

Everything but the generators work. I have 7 decorators that run fine. The gem is installed and working.

I just created a new rails app with draper install and the generators work.
Apparently they also now work in the initial app I was using.
I don't know what happened, maybe it was something stupid like forgetting to bundle install @lxxxvi
I'll Close this issue now.