drapergem / draper

Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications

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Draper changes the behaviour of url_for when using STI models

daniel-rikowski opened this issue · comments

I'm using Draper 4.0.1 and I have these models:

class Document < AR::Base; end;
class InputDocument < Document; end;
class OutputDocument < Document; end;

I also have a DocumentDecorator, but no dedicated decorators for the STI sub classes.

When I call url_for using a decorated InputDocument instance the wrong path helper is generated/called.


doc = InputDocument.find(1).decorate
doc.class # => DocumentDecorator
doc.object.class # => InputDocument
url_for(doc.object) # => /input_documents (EXPECTED)
url_for(doc) # => /documents (NOT EXPECTED)

I traced the url_for call through the various Rails methods. Eventually doc.model_name gets called, which seems to be the cause of this bug:

Draper doesn't delegate the model_name call to doc.object.class but to doc.class.object_class instead.

doc.object.model_name # => InputDocument
doc.object.class.model_name # => InputDocument
doc.class.object_class.model_name # => Document

Subsequentially Rails gets the wrong ActiveModel::Name and generates the wrong path helper name.

IMHO model_name should be delegated to the decorated object's actual class (or even to the instance itself?) and not the class inferred by the decorator, but I'm not sure this is the best course of action...