drapergem / draper

Decorators/View-Models for Rails Applications

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Virtual attributes and mass assignment

lapitsky opened this issue · comments

I can define a virtual attribute in an ActiveRecord model class like

def virtual_attr

def virtual_attr=(val)

It allows me to make calls like model.update(virtual_attr: 'Hi!')

When I try to do the same for a decorated model class it fails in internal _assign_attribute method. I think the reason is that it tries to do send(:virtual_attr=) for the model object and does not find such a method there.

What is the recommended way to create virtual attributes in decorator classes so that I could do decorated_model.update(virtual_attr: 'Hi!')?

Any news on this? I'm having this same problem.

Honestly... isn't this a bit out of scope? What prevents you from accessing the non decorated record directly?