drahnr / cargo-spellcheck

Checks all your documentation for spelling and grammar mistakes with hunspell and a nlprule based checker for grammar

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fenced code blocks in comments are not ignored if they contain an unpaired backtick

lopopolo opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

If a comment contains a fenced code block (one that starts with three backticks), that code block is usually ignored.

When the code block contains a single unpaired backtick, the block is spellchecked.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. A file containing:
// From `spec/core/symbol/inspect_spec.rb`:
// ```ruby
// symbols = {
//   fred:         ":fred",
//   :fred?     => ":fred?",
//   :fred!     => ":fred!",
//   :$ruby     => ":$ruby",
//   :@ruby     => ":@ruby",
//   :@@ruby    => ":@@ruby",
//   :"$ruby!"  => ":\"$ruby!\"",
//   :"$ruby?"  => ":\"$ruby?\"",
//   :"@ruby!"  => ":\"@ruby!\"",
//   :"@ruby?"  => ":\"@ruby?\"",
//   :"@@ruby!" => ":\"@@ruby!\"",
//   :"@@ruby?" => ":\"@@ruby?\"",
//   :$-w       => ":$-w",
//   :"$-ww"    => ":\"$-ww\"",
//   :"$+"      => ":$+",
//   :"$~"      => ":$~",
//   :"$:"      => ":$:",
//   :"$?"      => ":$?",
//   :"$<"      => ":$<",
//   :"$_"      => ":$_",
//   :"$/"      => ":$/",
//   :"$'"      => ":$'",
//   :"$\""     => ":$\"",
//   :"$$"      => ":$$",
//   :"$."      => ":$.",
//   :"$,"      => ":$,",
//   :"$`"      => ":$`",
//   :"$!"      => ":$!",
//   :"$;"      => ":$;",
//   :"$\\"     => ":$\\",
//   :"$="      => ":$=",
//   :"$*"      => ":$*",
//   :"$>"      => ":$>",
//   :"$&"      => ":$&",
//   :"$@"      => ":$@",
//   :"$1234"   => ":$1234",
//   :-@        => ":-@",
//   :+@        => ":+@",
//   :%         => ":%",
//   :&         => ":&",
//   :*         => ":*",
//   :**        => ":**",
//   :"/"       => ":/",     # lhs quoted for emacs happiness
//   :<         => ":<",
//   :<=        => ":<=",
//   :<=>       => ":<=>",
//   :==        => ":==",
//   :===       => ":===",
//   :=~        => ":=~",
//   :>         => ":>",
//   :>=        => ":>=",
//   :>>        => ":>>",
//   :[]        => ":[]",
//   :[]=       => ":[]=",
//   :"\<\<"    => ":\<\<",
//   :^         => ":^",
//   :"`"       => ":`",     # for emacs, and justice!
//   :~         => ":~",
//   :|         => ":|",
//   :"!"       => [":\"!\"",  ":!" ],
//   :"!="      => [":\"!=\"", ":!="],
//   :"!~"      => [":\"!~\"", ":!~"],
//   :"\$"      => ":\"$\"", # for justice!
//   :"&&"      => ":\"&&\"",
//   :"'"       => ":\"\'\"",
//   :","       => ":\",\"",
//   :"."       => ":\".\"",
//   :".."      => ":\"..\"",
//   :"..."     => ":\"...\"",
//   :":"       => ":\":\"",
//   :"::"      => ":\"::\"",
//   :";"       => ":\";\"",
//   :"="       => ":\"=\"",
//   :"=>"      => ":\"=>\"",
//   :"\?"      => ":\"?\"", # rawr!
//   :"@"       => ":\"@\"",
//   :"||"      => ":\"||\"",
//   :"|||"     => ":\"|||\"",
//   :"++"      => ":\"++\"",
//   :"\""      => ":\"\\\"\"",
//   :"\"\""    => ":\"\\\"\\\"\"",
//   :"9"       => ":\"9\"",
//   :"foo bar" => ":\"foo bar\"",
//   :"*foo"    => ":\"*foo\"",
//   :"foo "    => ":\"foo \"",
//   :" foo"    => ":\" foo\"",
//   :" "       => ":\" \"",
// }
// ```
  1. Run cargo spellcheck edit
  2. Observe these spelling errors:
error: spellcheck(Hunspell)
    --> /Users/lopopolo/dev/artichoke/artichoke/spinoso-symbol/src/inspect.rs:796
 796 |    :"/"       => ":/",     # lhs quoted for emacs happiness
     |                              ^^^

(122/284) Apply this suggestion [y,n,q,a,d,j,e,?]?

 » ls
error: spellcheck(Hunspell)
    --> /Users/lopopolo/dev/artichoke/artichoke/spinoso-symbol/src/inspect.rs:796
 796 |    :"/"       => ":/",     # lhs quoted for emacs happiness
     |                                             ^^^^^

(123/284) Apply this suggestion [y,n,q,a,d,j,e,?]?

   e macs
 » Emacs
error: spellcheck(Hunspell)
    --> /Users/lopopolo/dev/artichoke/artichoke/spinoso-symbol/src/inspect.rs:810
 810 |    :"`"       => ":`",     # for emacs, and justice!
     |                                  ^^^^^

(194/284) Apply this suggestion [y,n,q,a,d,j,e,?]?

   e macs
 » Emacs
error: spellcheck(Hunspell)
    --> /Users/lopopolo/dev/artichoke/artichoke/spinoso-symbol/src/inspect.rs:829
 829 |    :"\?"      => ":\"?\"", # rawr!
     |                              ^^^^

(249/284) Apply this suggestion [y,n,q,a,d,j,e,?]?

   raw r
 » raw

Expected behavior


Please complete the following information:

  • System: macOS
  • Obtained: cargo install
  • Version: cargo-spellcheck 0.11.0

Additional context

Now that I've also filed #257, I'm not sure if these two issues are the same because the sample snippet includes empty lines in the fenced code block comment.

Hey @lopopolo , thanks for reporting this and #257 , I very much appreciate it!

Indeed, this seems to be duplicate of #257 .