drahnr / cargo-spellcheck

Checks all your documentation for spelling and grammar mistakes with hunspell and a nlprule based checker for grammar

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subcommand `config` exits with error

KuabeM opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Running cargo spellcheck config --stdout throws an error:

   0: Failed to convert to toml
   1: values must be emitted before tables


The error messages hints that there is something wrong with the config struct. I'll investigate further which part is responsible.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. checkout master
  2. Run cargo spellcheck config --stdout (or --user)
  3. Spellcheck fails with an error

Expected behavior

Prints default config on stdout.


Please complete the following information:

  • System: Arch linux
  • Obtained: cargo
  • Version: current master, git bisect shows that the error was introduced in either 94dcfa8 or 6b9d09f (the latter one doesn't compile with rust-1.54 on my machine)

Additional context

Here is the output of running with high verbosity. Backtrace does not contain much information, so I skipped it.

cargo r -- config --stdout -vvvvvv
   Compiling cargo-spellcheck v0.9.0-rc1 (/home/korbinian/RustProjects/cargo-spellcheck)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 9.20s
     Running `target/debug/cargo-spellcheck config --stdout -vvvvvv`
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z TRACE cargo_spellcheck::config::args] Derived action Config from flags/args/cmds
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z DEBUG cargo_spellcheck::config::args] Attempting to load configuration by priority.
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z DEBUG cargo_spellcheck::config::args] No cfg flag present
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z DEBUG cargo_spellcheck::config::args] Using /home/korbinian/RustProjects/cargo-spellcheck/Cargo.toml manifest as anchor file
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z DEBUG cargo_spellcheck::config::args] Using configuration file /home/korbinian/RustProjects/cargo-spellcheck/.config/spellcheck.toml
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z TRACE cargo_spellcheck::config::hunspell] Sanitized (/home/korbinian/RustProjects/cargo-spellcheck/.config + .) -> /home/korbinian/RustProjects/cargo-spellcheck/.config
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z TRACE cargo_spellcheck::config::args] Derived action Config from flags/args/cmds
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z TRACE cargo_spellcheck] Configuration chore
[2021-10-27T20:54:10Z DEBUG cargo_spellcheck::config] Config { dev_comments: false, skip_readme: false, hunspell: Some(HunspellConfig { lang: Lang5 { lang: eng, country: US }, search_dirs: SearchDirs([]), skip_os_lookups: false, use_builtin: true, extra_dictionaries: [], quirks: Quirks { transform_regex: [], allow_concatenation: false, allow_dashes: false, allow_emojis: true }, tokenization_splitchars: "\",;:.!?#(){}[]|/_-‒'`&@§¶…" }), nlprules: Some(NlpRulesConfig { override_rules: None, override_tokenizer: None }), reflow: Some(ReflowConfig { max_line_length: 80 }) }
   0: Failed to convert to toml
   1: values must be emitted before tables


Backtrace omitted.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.

Since I can't reproduce it, could you run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full?

Weird that everything worked fine on your side.. for me it was also broken on Ubuntu 20.04 with rust 1.54 and 1.56..

I think I mixed up two issues, so I could reproduce it.